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yannick Wenger Srodawa

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since Apr 03, 2015
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Recent posts by yannick Wenger Srodawa

Victor Johanson wrote:

Michael Cox wrote:

Cynthia Quilici wrote:Apple cider vinegar goes for more than $7/qt. at the local store. Seems pretty easy to make and lasts.. indefinitely?
I can't wait 'till our apple trees give us enough to make some.

But why make vinegar when you can make cider? Although our cider definitely doesn't last indefinitely ... lasting potential seems to be inversely proportional to current liver function.

Well, you can't make vinegar without making cider first, so it's unavoidable (not that I'd recommend avoiding it ;-) .

i have been living in senegal for the last two years with my (now) pregnant wife and my little 2 years old boy. we live in the country side not too far from the capital dakar. our diet/health has suffered during the first year with a lot of diarrhea and extreme tiredness at the end of the rainy season. all this to say that apple/cider vinegar is just magic everyone that has apple should make it. this year we've been using it and none of us (my boy, my wife,me) have ever had diarrhea this year and we are coming towards the end of rainy season but i still feel like i have the strength to work in the field...i'm ashamed to say that apple don't grow here and that the vinegar come from north africa (but this isn't the point i'm trying to make).
there are (often old) books talking about the amazing virtue of apple vinegar. i don't have time now but i'll quote some of it's best virtue later on this thread.
we drink it everyday along with honey and it has made us much stronger in a hard climate...
long live apple vinegar!!!

9 years ago
ok i'll be using only hardwood...
not only do i get help but i learn english in the process
9 years ago

hi R Ranson!
sorry about so little information. i am no good for long mails but i'll try to be a little more precise about this one.
i live in senegal right now where i'm running with my wife a little permaculture project ( i will stay here till begining of december then move to normandy (france) where i originally come. from. so for the details concerning the house i can't give all the answers but i'll do my best...for more details i'll have to wait till i get there in december.

  • How big is the space?
  • approximately 75/80 m2
  • Will you be heating all the rooms at once, or just some of them as needed?
  • i'm hoping to heat the all place with the RMH and i still need to research about air flow/ natural draft
  • How much draft?
  • no ideas yet
  • What's the insulation like?
  • the wall is builded with local stones, i don't know about the roof insulation. the house is oriented west/south west and we'll be puting a big window for natural sun light/heat
  • What's the insulation going to be like when you finish the upgrades? there we'll be an earth floor that'll help a lot and for the roof i still have to see before i get into speculation...
    I've noticed at least one home (ahem, mine) where we installed the heating system first, then found it too hot once the other upgrades were complete.
  • this is exactly the reason why i've posted in the first place. i was thinking of using the RMH for heat and adding a cast iron stove for cooking but i'm pretty sure the heat will be too much... this is why i need some kind of maths formula to work with
  • Is there sufficient airflow without being drafty?
  • sorry but i'm not natural english speaking and i don't understand the question
  • Will you use some sort of fan to move the heat arround?
  • nope
  • How damp is your winter? Damp makes things feel colder than they are. Here, zero C feels SUPER COLD, but back east, -20 C is merely cool
  • the house is about 2/3 high up a little hill facing south (the hill not the house) with a little river approx 100m down the bottom of the valley. the winter is very wet and doesn't often go below zero c° but the wind can be pretty strong. we are approx 70 km from the sea. being a farmer/landscape desinger for quite few years i can tell you for sure that it feels very cold and wet in winter...but the common normand house do well in wet climate...
  • What fuel will you have access to? Hard wood? Soft? Something else?
  • hard and soft woods. (i aint' to sure what you mean? do you mean wet or dry?)
  • If you feel comfortable, can you give us an idea of what part of the world you are moving to? Different places have very different ideas of winter.
  • koppen climate zone Cfb altitude: approx 100m distance from the sea: approx 70 km
  • Will you be cooking with the same system you heat with?
  • nope

    hope you get the detailed you were looking for... i'll definitley let you know about the progress i'll be making as for most of the work i'll be doing it'll be the first time to do it for me, so i'll need technical advices over more or less every work i'll get involved in...

    thank you for your help

    9 years ago
    i'll be moving in a new place in the beginning of 2016. well, as new i mean different: it's a little house with some work to be done (earth floor, compost toilet, windows, RMH etc...)
    i need to find out how to calculate how much heat do i need to keep the place warm during winter...that would help me decide the kind of RMH i will be working on.
    i've had a look on the net, but i ain't to sure about what i read so a little help could do me no wrong...

    9 years ago
    when i was travelling through northern europe i came across this small company that make exceptionals tools for woodcraft (sorry for my english) all handmade. i've had the chance to use some of them and i have to say they are unique.
    here is the website which explains it much better than i do:
    9 years ago