Rocket Mass Heater Manual
will be released to subscribers in: soon!

Laura Jean

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since Apr 05, 2015
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Thanks Joylynn. I’ve actually been hanging out here on and off for years. I just never had anything to say😊. With my daughter becoming more and more involved with fiber arts
I now have a reason to wander over to this area. I will eventually get her hooked in to this website, but not until I give her Ravens book for her birthday next month. She would probably find and and get it for herself!
5 years ago
Thanks for the update Raven. I was looking for you on Etsy earlier today but I couldn’t find your shop. What is the name of it? How can I find it?
6 years ago
I was wondering when the book would be available to purchase? I want to give it to my daughter for her 20th birthday in mid-March. She has been spinning for a number of years already. First withdrop spindles made by her younger brother and wool from her angora rabbits. The past 2 years has been with a small spinning wheel made by her older brother and using fleeces from various sheep breeds. Last year we grew cotton together, but she had yet to really work with it. So, this year I hope she can make the foray into flax. Thank you for all your efforts to make this information available 😀
6 years ago