gillium Schieber

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since Jun 17, 2009
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Bren, M7, m111, m27 and Supporter 4 rootstock will send up root suckers, but especially m7-probably what made it the most popular rootstock in N.A. My m7 will send up 5 or 10 each year. Let them grow 1-2 years. Dig away some and tear off with help from a heel. Plenty rooted likely-sufficient for bench grafting right way. Or you can graft while still attached to mama and "tear" off later. Tearing supposedly removes adventitious tissue-that that will keep responding but I've never found my heel-tearing to reduce annual sprouts.
Gil Schieber
3 years ago
I have 400 varieties that every year collect seed from. The seed is put into tiny zip locks bare and put in a larger zip lock with damp towel. All labeled of ourselves as to the known mama(no known male yet). 2-3 months stratification is recommended. Sowing begins February. 4"pot with get upwards of 30 seeds ΒΌ" deep. In 1-2 weeks they are up, 90%. This year I sowed 60 varieties. The male pollen will be some tree down the row as bees tend to fly along that way. After about 2 months I up-pot to a deep band pot, gallon or 2 gallon size. Chicken Manure applied. If you want to get fruit earlier than the typical 5-7 years than graft from these attaching scion to mini-dwarf rootstock like p2,m27 or p22. This should get fruit the 2nd or 3rd year. Every apple seed is a new variety!
 I sell my grafted apple trees-all kinds. Gil Schieber, Skipley Farm
3 years ago
Yes, to answer in short. My 400 apple varieties exhibit about 25% produce flowers on last years wood. Cherries, plums Peach certainly do. None of these will produce on spring growth shoots of this year-only grapes do that as far as I recall.
3 years ago
Grafting is typical, low cost and successful for the amateur. 1 to 2 weeks you have a new tree, and if yiu want it on its own roots just plant it deeper than thd graft union.
I have 200+ varieties of apples and sell scionwood and rootstock, Skipleyfarm dot com
8 years ago
I have over 100 varieties of apples. I have sold scionwood-but not regularly.
skpley farm
This always interests me. you're priced right on.
I too, am propagating like mad. 3500 apple trees- these cost me 85 cents and 25cents more to graft. now growing, weeding, watering, fertilizing, mortgage adds the expense. and then there's profit if you're to sell them. which I am, but I'm also keeping 3000 to grow. It'd be a pretty good turn-around to sell these all and do it all again-even at 6.00. but time is the deciding factor here. retail $12-me dig and send+freight, $8 you dig and pickup.
Let me know of orders you might want to go in on- bulk is better.
From what i see, the delivered CSA near big towns(Seattle)n run about 500 to 1000 per year. the little at-farm baskets for 300 per 22 weeks is meager. 3- to 40$ per box is affordable fair and if the farmer is doing it right-things all clean and good quality, then there's no complaint.
15 years ago
this is facing almost due N-slightly NE toward the pond and at the upper part of 7 ac.
15 years ago