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Kris Schmolze

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since Aug 08, 2023
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Recent posts by Kris Schmolze

Hello Larry!

Losing close family members is really hard. I am grateful that you are willing to open up the opportunity to share this dream with others. The pictures you have posted are beautiful. What a wonderful place to live among so many plants. I am so glad you are there to enjoy it all.

My partner and I have been looking into moving to Portugal from the US since it has the easiest pathway to EU citizenship. Neither of us have any generational wealth to buy our way in at half a million dollars a piece. It takes five years to establish citizenship. We have been saving up to afford all the fees in getting the process started and would like to visit for the first time this winter of 2023.

We are two folks in our forties with a five year old dog. The two of us met in art school twenty some years ago studying sculpture. We have worked on large projects mixing and pouring over 40,000 pounds of concrete for a professors project in a remote location. Our marriage is solid, we are great friends and actually love each other.

I have worked for other artists, foundries, sculptors and taught art for a decade while also working as a contractor building, repairing and restoring all kinds of houses. I have spent two summers in Taos learning how to build earthships with Micheal Reynolds and I am one step away from being certified by building my own earthship structure requiring land to do that on.

My spouse is the first generation off of the farm, a girl scout gold award and an avid camper. She is working remotely using computers having designed 311 info across the US, the healthcare software for Sweden, and is currently building AI software to help manage medical records. Both of us are musicians as well singing and playing several instruments.

If you would like to know more about us and share more about yourself please reach out. Hope you have a wonderful summer. Thanks so much!

~Kris Schmolze