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Laura Wilde

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since Mar 19, 2021
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Recent posts by Laura Wilde

On the trust option, is this US Canada or international?
This is very similar to what I would see as reasonable. I can hope there are young'ns out there willing to do what it takes.
I did not inherit this land.
We had to work to buy it and work to build it. Now its worth more than we could afford.
I'm with you there.
Still cleaning up a mess myself from an alleged tiny homesteader  that did nothing he said he would then left a mess (a 50 ft unfit transport trailer) for me to pay to have removed.
Hopefully the experiences of many of us can contribute to an accelerated learning curve for the rest.
I would very much welcome the opportunity to brainstorm with my peers on this.

Craig Lewis wrote:Hi Paul I was here

And read this, “ If you think you might be an Otis, you can get registered here” but the link brings me to this post to register.
Yet I don’t see where to register?

Is this the correct link.


Me too please
How to register as an "Otis-ette"?
Oh yes I agree with you 100%.
There seem to be a ton of young'ns, who want to free homestead but, they fade away when faced with a) actual manual labour
And b) show me a sound business plan.
I really hope this plan works out.
Here in Canada, trying to orchestrate anything even close has been an exercise in futility so far.
Very interesting topic. It seems I may have been doing this myself for the last 10 years or so with tomatoes and corn. I typically plant four types of tomatoes and select from the fruit. I have a tiny compact tomato plant hat has prolific cherry type tomatoes and is easily identified as a young seedling. It started out with several "tiny " heirloom named varieties but now I just call it my patio tomatoes. I'm still working on a paste type the same way, I am also working with coloured ("indian") corn and sweet corn varieties, looking for a multi purpose sweet (fresh eating) and mature dried hominy use. Not there yet with the corn.
It would be nice to read up over winter on how I could tweak or expedite the process.
At least now I know that the process is called landrace.
Thanks for sharing.
3 years ago
That is so exciting for you. I agree real estate is insane around here right now, with no end in sight although logically it must end. A small homestead can still supply sustenance and income to offset the original investment.  If you have not taken a pdc, and have the option, now would be a good time to do so. I can recommend one close to you at a reasonable price and you could use your new property as the assignment. I am close enough to you that I could share many of my plants (free) to help you get started.
Best of fortune to you both
3 years ago