Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Freddie Burnett

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since Jan 13, 2016
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Recent posts by Freddie Burnett

Glenn...much appreciated. These few posts have been SUPER educational. I keep you up to date on what I end up doing. Thanks to everyone else who also "educated" me.
9 years ago
Ok!...Now I see how this forum works! Forgive me guys! (and gals!)
9 years ago
I'm new to this forum so I'm still learning how the posts work. I posted (or at least thought I did...ha!)to you Glenn Herbert. But I used the quote feature. Didn't realize where the Post Reply and Quick Reply buttons were. Anyway my response to your questions seem to be on the next page. Page 2. Thanks again.

9 years ago

Glenn Herbert wrote:Jaime hasn't posted since 2012, so he probably isn't going to see your question.
I would probably drill a pilot hole, then use a scrollsaw/saber saw/whatever name you know it by, then file the edges to clean up.

And to answer the question you didn't ask, I wouldn't try to copy that build for a permanent installation. A 3" stove isn't going to put out a measurable amount of heat without feeding round the clock, and the metal innards will tend to conduct heat away from the combustion zone and cool the already tiny fire. If you want a small RMH, you need a highly insulated combustion zone of refractory (ceramic) materials to allow enough heat buildup for complete combustion and withstand the corrosive atmosphere inside a high-temp fire. Without complete combustion you will get creosote in your chimney and in any heat transfer ducts.

How small is your small house? There have been a few 4" systems successfully built and published here.

Thanks Glenn. I found this family's design some time ago and asked if they could send me some design specifics, but for some reason the father didn't really want to.

I kept their website info. because what they built would be PERFECT for my house. I was just trying to find ideas/videos/ (and I don't mind paying for the info. either, if I could find it) that would go into more build detail so I could build one as close to their design as possible. Only thing I don't like are the legs they put on...other than that the size is perfect.

My house is 115yrs. old. Right around 600 (and some change) sq. ft. interior living space. My living room is only 14x14ft. That is the largest room in the house. There is a chimney in the living room with a 6 1/2 inch flue opening. Apparently at one time, someone had a wood stove hooked up. I haven't had anything hooked up to it. When I first moved in, the heating source was a propane furnace. I used that money draining monstrosity only one year and it destroyed me financially.

Anyway, I went to Kerosene. K-1...because my family was in the bulk fuel and fuel oil (diesel, kerosene, etc...) business. I bought a Dyna-Glo portable heater. Puts out (supposedly) 26,000btu. It's what I still use for now. I live on a 2acre parcel full of trees and trees that have fallen. So I have plenty of free fuel!

The other thing I like about their design is that it looks to be about the same size as the heater we used when I was in the Army. The H45 space heater. I was a Hawk Missile radar operator so we had a decent size platoon that needed a large tent. That tent was bigger than my house! Anyway, it was set up for two heaters. You usually only need one because by the time everyone was in and you had that thing fired up, it was all you needed. (especially using MOGAS!) Sometimes it was cold enough for two. But not usually. Anyway that thing puts out 45,000btu. I was thinking about getting one of those if I couldn't build or get someone to build for me, a space heater like the one this family built.

When I get to it, I plan on removing the old furnace from downstairs and building a more traditional RMH with thermal battery. Right now I have another Dyna-Glo downstairs that I only fire up when it starts dipping below 25 deg. Makes a HUGE difference though when I use the one downstairs because of the heat rise. The flue to the other chimney for the furnace, looks to be about the same as the one upstairs. But that's for another day...long away from now!

I really appreciate you taking the time to respond.


9 years ago

jaime merritt wrote:i just finished building a very small rocket heater. i used 3" pipe and so far it works very well. i made some videos of the build here,

cheers. Jaime.

Thanks for the great vid Jaime. This has given me some great ideas for building one to go in my small home. Good simple design. Could you tell me what you used to make your hole cuts so cleanly?
Thanks again.

9 years ago