Michael-Anthony Laval

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since Feb 29, 2016
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Recent posts by Michael-Anthony Laval

lustrum zaraszkur wrote:Yes. In fact, the most effective solution was inoculating the mulch with stropharia rugosoannulata. Edible, too. It digested the mulch in approximately 6-12 months.

Awesome, glad you replied. Did you get a good flush of Kings? If you have a rough estimate of the area of mulch to lbs of mushrooms, or lbs of mulch to lbs of mushrooms, that'd be nice, but I totally get it if that wasn't a priority.
Also, how did you inoculate the area with S. rugosoannulata? (chips, liquid, etc.?)
8 years ago

lustrum zaraszkur wrote:Just ordered some EM-1. I will try three experiments and see which is most effective:

1. Inoculate an area of pine chips with a mixture of 1:1:100 EM-1, molasses and water and then cover for two to three weeks with a tarp.
2. Inoculate an area of pine chips with EM-1 and do not cover.
3. Inoculate an area of pine chips with c. Comatus (already done).

I'll see which of these three provides the best results for someone in my situation, where removing the pine mulch is not feasible.

Is there an update on this?
8 years ago
Hi all,
New market gardener here looking for some sound product advice to cut through the marketing gimmicks.
Anybody have experience with both square and circular cells? For example, comparing these (I'm in Canada, so unlikely to order specifically these)

My two main concerns are:
1) Is one more or less likely to cause root bound?
2) Is getting the plugs out for transplanting harder in one or the other?

Any other suggestions and info is greatly appreciated.

Edit: there are also deep dish and octagonal and all sorts of other trays too which I am curious about.
9 years ago