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Alexander Neto

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since Jun 02, 2016
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Hi folks! My name is Alexander, and I moved from Brazil about a year ago (I was a public school teacher of science and an academic for some time), fleeing from the country's economic meltdown, and I've been working in the three states area of new england ever since, in the construction field (doing masonry works), as it was what I could get to make a honest living (I've got a libertarian mindset, so I would never take government handouts...).
I'm 34 and I love farms, nature etc, my academic formation took me to field research, and I loved it!
I've got a lot of skills: chemistry, electronics, mechanical skills, etc, and I'm looking for mabe a land that currently isn't being used as it should, to make a partnership with the owner and to get projects done: grow vegies, build a greenhouse, animal husbandry, etc.
I'm also know hot to cook very well, bake a lot of breads and cakes, how to make cheese, worm compst, etc.
I'm pretty hard working and used to a modest life (I don't have any criminal records or addiction); initially you enter with the land and I will give you my work, after some basic infraextructure being set in place and when the land is generating some revenue whe share the costs (or I can pay for a parcel of land with work).
I'm also O.K with very remote places, just in case that your land be of difficult access.
With the correct tools I can build anything anywhere! I'm even used to scrap old machines and electronics for part and to build new things (e.g. maybe an old lathe need some parts, a solar panel or wind turbine need to be installed, etc ).
Currently I'm in New Jersey but I could travel if the offer is really good for us both!
If you've got the land and some tools I've got some very useful skills and a great will to work!
8 years ago