Tavonna Nira Strømsengbakken

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since Jul 05, 2016
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Born in Columbia, SC, US Air Force veteran 8 years mixed duty status. Moved to Norway and now wanting to spend the rest of my life as a farmer. I have a farm in Våler I Solør 13daa. I'm working to convert this conventionally farmed location to an organic regenerative farm.
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Recent posts by Tavonna Nira Strømsengbakken

The overly crunchy crust is why I bake it blond. I increase the temperature to the ones in the Binging with Babish, Sourdough video recipe.

Also, I made a beer bread by over fermenting and doing no folding, direct to loaf shaping and final proofing before placing in the oven. Most of the alcohol was gone, and it tasted great with cheese and meat. My guy loves it. I'm going to do it for a beer sampling event.
3 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:Urine is allowed.  Poop is not.

Does this mean that added nutrients have to come from compost/mineral fertizers/supplements or...? Especially, if there is a hope to show progress after ~5 years.

Also, I would definitely like to try to garden along.
We just bought a farm this past fall, the 2.5 acres here was used for conventional oat production. 2022 will be the first year growing on this farm with the same objective as your challenge.

It would be most enjoyable, I feel, if I could follow along as Skandi Rogers suggested with 'grow along'.

3 years ago
Hello Lovely,

I don't know much about this topic firsthand, but Stefan Sobkowiak is the Permaculture Orchard guru I would check out. I remember him mentioning sunscald in one of his YouTube videos.

May the Forest be with You

Cast-Iron Pan(dalorian)
3 years ago
Hello Lovelies,

I just wanted to share a video of a bread recipe that has now become a daily bake for our family. It resembles the basic artisan crunchy crust breads that we envy and desire...ooooooo....artisan breeeeead. You can easily tweak this one. I don't have a proper cast iron(CI) dutch oven, so I used a CI pot and skillet as a lid. I put some aluminum foil over the pot to help with the seal.
By tweaking, I mean the water ratio as shown in the video (recipe is in the viewer comments as the link in the description is incomplete). But it's basic structure is:
3 cups    Flour
2 tsp       Dry yeast
2 tsp       Salt
1.5 cups Water*

* add tbsp of water until your specific flour/dough resembles the consistency of that shown in the video.

I add either a tbsp honey or molasses, spices, herbs, cocoa powder depending on the flavors I want to end up with.
My girls' favorite is one where I use molasses, cocoa powder, and cardamom. It goes with honey and butter for their between-meal snacks. And the flavor pairs well with mild cheeses and jams.

I also proof and develop the gluten by folding the dough 3 times like I do with sour dough bread. It is SO worth it. If you use a simple all purpose flour, then I recommend you bake it to a blond crust and not the typical toasted brown.

3 years ago
Well that was the best and most enjoyable job application I have filled out. I have been home with the kids since August and am really looking for something just like this. 8 years Air Force (oodles of discipline and getting it done with no resources). Been doing Document Control for energy companies (Oil&Gas, Windmill, and hydropower) and a Warehouse Foreman. I've written quite a bit, but not published aside from threads here and there. I would like to lend my skills to my passion for permaculture. Even if you, for some mind boggling reason, choose someone else,  I'd love to volunteer and pick up any slack that may need tending to.
I do recommend you become one of the bad guys though.
There is a vacancy for a Permaculture Palpatine,
But there's also Yeoman Plow Yoda, Rocket Stovi-Wan Kenobi, loads of options...

May the Forest be with you
For me, low tech means minimal to no gas usage. I have a Fiskars manual lawn mower, and an arsenal of Wolf Gartner manual farming tools. I have 2.5 acres to farm, so we'll see how it goes this season.
3 years ago
Final update.

Henní will get remain with the flock unless she seeks me out again.
Her son (or nephew), Rico Suave, the reigning King Coop-a, is perching with her, along with his queen, Odette. And sometimes their daughter, Mistress Waffles will perch with Henní. She's less of a loner now.
3 years ago

catherine stallybrass wrote:
I am happy to have her around and that after all these years of service she has provided me with, I am happy she feels content to spend her last moments with me.
We are blessed to have this wonderful time with our family what ever shape they inhabit  

Aaaw. This gave me all.the feels🥰
3 years ago

Mike Bruner wrote:Or even putting a lid on that drum and making biochar out of it maybe?

This was my first thought. KILL IT WITH FIRE🤩🧐🥵😵👿👹

And clean the area as best you can. Topical peroxide sprays. Dilute for soil and/or foliar spray.
3 years ago

Clarissa Miller wrote:
I am 25, heavyset, hispanic/black. I love to be around nature.

What would you do? Would you wait or would you take the leap?

I'm a 38yr old black woman.  I bought my first farm at 35. I wish I had taken the leap at your age. Heavyset means nothing, you'll burn that working a homestead most likely. And the work will build up your stamina and strength no matter your size.
The key to it is competence and Organization. Controle every aspect you can so that you can focus all your attention on the random stuff that is out if your control. Do Not buy anything larger than about 5acres. I recommend no more than 2 actually. Do not get medium or large livestock until your infrastructure is ready. Try your hand at smaller creatures and gardening so you get the feel of it in your fingers and understand how you like to work.
If this is the life you want, do it. The right mate will be drawn to you doing your thing without you ever needing to ask them to give up another lifestyle. Be frugal and stay away from fads and trendy gardening styles and systems. If you're really excited about something, put a good effort in finding out why or how it doesn't work. Understand your land and yield to the pull of nature on the land. Find and understand your core context with your homestead goal.
Hope this helps
3 years ago