It's raining consistently and in appropriate amounts. The maize is growing so well and not just in our field but everywhere. The system I am working to create has grown a little. Before, all the focus during the rain period was on the maize and there was little room to concentrate on other crops. This time we still have maize which is not taking up too much of my time, we are building more on growing cow peas and finding how to create it's importance to everyone involved in the project it's success will help in adding organic matter to the maize field as well as fixing nitrogen naturally. I also have added pumpkin to the mix and I will admit that for now, it's a struggle to figure out how to grow it. After learning how to help pollinate it, the next stage is finding how to deal with pests. We have tried covering with cloth and now I have covered every fruit with plastic bags. I briefly sprayed with a mix of mint and onion after one pumpkin which had grown relatively big was eaten by something, I am suspecting mice, because the bite sizes were big for a tiny insect. I just need one pumpkin so that I can get seeds, it's from the seeds I received and my thank you has to be a success, so I am desperate. The other two crops are bottle gourd and long Thai beans, which are growing well on their own. The bottle gourd was attacked by some pest, so I have that to work out also. But all in all I'm proud that there is some growth in the number of plants that are in the field and it's still based on permaculture principles.
We haven't talked to Kumbi since he came back, because he was sick.