You have put a lot of thought into your plan and i think most of it sounds logical and meets the needs of your situation. The one concern i would have with your plan would be the number of days a paddock will be grazed before its rest period. 3 days is generally the max number of days i leave cattle on our paddocks and 85% of the time i do daily rotations and have experimented with twice a day. On average our grass starts to regrow the third day. On dry paddocks or poor soil it can be much longer and on fertile soil with good moisture it can be 24 hrs. My concern is that you will be overgrazing with the chickens, by grazing the regrowth. Six days of grazing on a paddock seems like too much in my mind but maybe your results will be fine. If you do start to see signs of overgrazing it would be one area to look at and maybe shorten the grazing duration to one or two days.
On a side note, if you start traveling down the road of long recovery periods and full growth with seed heads (Greg Judy style); in order to supply the cattle what they need and get good trampling, your current 3 day rotation probably wont work. You will probably need a much higher stock density then what your current 3 day rotation allows. I believe, to use that style of grazing you will need to be down to a minimum of one move per day and two or more many benefit.
With all that said i think you are headed in the right direction and would be very interested in how this works out for you this year and the following few years. Please keep us all updated on your project.