mike sermone

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since Feb 06, 2017
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Recent posts by mike sermone

Got it, thanks.
6 years ago
Hi Chris,

I live in on the Camas/NE Vancouver border, curious what type of olive your growing and how it's doing?

6 years ago

Thanks for your response, I've learned a lot from your posts.

Re soil depth of 4" , the clay and rocks were so thick, it was the most practical.

Re sulfur, I plan to grow trees. I keep reading 50-75 ppm is optimal and understand that it's acidic.  I guess I'm just confused if that's true and if so, how to get there.

Re cupric calcite, I'm having trouble finding any info, can you point me in the right direction?

I've attached a few pics of how I planted directly into the composted manure (HM) directly on top of ORC soil.  The wire is to keep the chickens out.  I suppose they are adding their own fertilizer to the soil as time wears on.  Should i amend these mounds directly with gypsum & copper?


7 years ago
Hi all,

I'm located in Vancouver, WA 98682, I believe zone 8b. My property is sloped East/West, 5 acres, old pasture land with very few trees.  We have thick hard clay, filled with volcanic rocks, very hard to dig.  

There are 3 tests on the attachment.  The first is labeled ORC.  This is the unamended pasture land that I'm turning into a orchard.  I've been putting wood chips down, so it's progressing.  

The second is Veg, my vegetable garden, about 1000 sq ft, fenced.  

The third is HM.  This is a sample from a giant mound of composted horse manure next door.  I use it as amendment.  Lately, to avoid digging the clay, I've been placing bushes and small trees in the ORC directly onto the broad forked pasture and burying in the manure.  I have also used it as soil in raised beds.

My questions are-

1. Do I need to add sulfur? I've been watching Living Web Farms videos on Youtube and checked out Dan Kittredge.  He recommends 75 ppm sulfur.

2. I'm guessing that both the ORC and HM need gypsum for Calcium and Sulfur?

3.  Should I use potassium sulfate in Veg?

4.  rock phosphate along with epsom salts and gypsum in ORC?

5.  The HM is a free, abundant resource.  How would one amend in the future to be able to directly apply as a complete mineral source?

I have 9 hens so I have access to chicken manure too.

Any other feedback or observations is appreciated.

Thanks again,
7 years ago
Hi Laurie,

I'm located in NE Vancouver, WA.  We have a small 8 x 12 greenhouse that I use mainly for starts, seedlings.  With our cloud cover, I get very little solar gain through winter and only stay about 2 degrees over ambient at night.  It does help with pounding rain, frost and windchill.  

What are your plans for your build?  I would love to get more out mine but it just seems like we don't get enough sun.

7 years ago