Tyler Ed

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since Mar 02, 2017
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Recent posts by Tyler Ed

Yes we are looking to have some more area to raise some lawn garden cover crops etc. I will plan on having a good amount of top soil brought in. Thank you for the suggestion. I figure if I bring in say 6"'s of top soil covering the underlying ground should not be as important and hopefully the plants and vegetables would be able to help break it down. Any advice on what types of plants to help with this is also appreciated.
7 years ago
The backyard of our home is a dirt driveway with what appears to be some small hunks of rock in it. I am not sure if the previous owner brought gravel in or if the ground simply had the rocks to begin with. Either way the ground is now quite compact and I am looking for ideas on how to loosen it up and make the soil useable again. My idea at the moment is to break up the hard pack by hand with a pick and shovel then lay a few inches of topsoil and maybe some compost on top. I also thought it may be useful to till that in a bit? Does this sound like a reasonable solution? Any suggestions are greatly welcome. I attached a picture to get an idea of what the driveway looks like.
7 years ago
Also looking to join/visit your intentional community.  We are in Texas currently but looking to be in the northwest by June.
8 years ago
Wife and I are also looking to buy land in the Pacific NorthWest this summer. Neither of us eat meat or dairy but are not opposed to raising farm animals for slaughter. We will be living in a 5th wheel travel trailer for the time being and are looking to make this dream happen soon. We are going to be in the Northwest in a few months and would love to meet you guys and begin working towards the future.
8 years ago