There is an Austrian who is building houses 100 % of wood...
Everything started when his family moved from forest to small city when his son get sick, allergic to glues, used for production of furniture.
He find solution turning to the knowledge of the 90 years old grandfather (who was Zimmerer- old profession which involved not only carpentry but also going cutting wood high in Alps during winter months) .
Grandpa insisted that the wood is cut in winter months during waning moon.
Later some Swiss professor studied the wood cut in this manner and it turned out that it is drier and has less sugars, and the gravity of the moon plays its role in it.
Mr Thoma wrote several books, the first book "What the grandpa still knew about wood" has very explanatory title.
The strangest thing is that the monks from the oldest Japanese temple visited him to tell him that what he wrote in the book is the same as they have in the scripts from the times when the temple was build ( I forget the number but I it is more then 3000 years old building).
Well they also brought his business to Japan in 1980. And he built incredible list of buildings 100 % of wood in last 40 years all over the world.
I asked some old people who live in the mountains in Serbia if I want to build the house, when I should cut the wood for the framework of the house.
They tell me in the winter when moon is in waning phase. It seems that is the knowledge that was widespread across many cultures.
The wood cut in this time seems has difficulty to rot, it is too dry for fungus and the insects really don't like it so it can last very long.
Examples of numerous Alpine buildings more then 500 years old.
The example (from the book) of the bathroom made out 100 % of cherry wood, matches the examples of cob bathroom in my opinion. Although for wooden bathroom you don't even need the linen oil. The best protection is cutting the wood in the right time, during winter months and waning moon phase.
Untreated wood doesn't attract a dust...
It is pity that there is no single lecture in English from Mr Thoma. And his books as I can see are not translated in English.
But there is no doubt in my mind that this is really important knowledge.