Quaker Intentional Village-Canaan (QIVC) has a furnished bedroom for rent in its beautiful timber-framed farmhouse. The room is available on a short term (weeks/month) or longer-term (3-6 months) basis - $350/month, utilities included. In particular, QIVC is seeking renters who will actively participate in the life of our rural intentional community. QIVC, established in 2000, is a community of 30 people of all ages living close to the land on 135 acres of forest and pasture in the upper Hudson Valley. We strive to live spirit-focused lives that are simple, sustainable, and joyful, benefiting from and enjoying our close connections with each other and the land. We welcome diversity of all sorts, and don’t all need to identify as Quaker.
For inquiries or more information about renting a room at the Quaker Intentional Village-Canaan, please call 518-392-0289 and ask for Noah, or email