The stove i have i modified because the air controls where crap it was an air tight with a glass of course the glass broke replaced with metal plate and gasket I removed the oem baffle it had tiny holes for cleaning the glass replaced with a different baffle
built a thermostatic coil (opens as temperature drops closes when to hot) aka auto damper before the mods it would be to hot or to cold now it works great
I know with rocket stoves you can get away from the firewood splitting,use less fuel and much more
the gears in my head are trying to figure out how to implement it into this small wood frame cabin im wondering if i could put the J tube under the house and the business ends come though the floor keeping the burn chamber away from combustibles as im thinking heat rises so i would get the heat + exhaust/thermal mass inside
but I dunno how long the J tube can be maybe dumb idea?
I know with the current stove it can run you out it can get very hot inside I dont want to overkill with too big of a stove its only a 20-30 cabin