For the 2020 farming season we will offer a 6-month internship (April to September) which includes housing, lots of farm fresh food, free educational workshops at the School of Adaptive Agriculture, and a $300/month stipend. We may also have openings for shorter 3 to 5-month internships.
WHO WE ARE: We're a multi-generational family farm working 5 acres near the town of Willits, in a small valley nestled in the beautiful mountains of the northern California coastal range, just an hour from the spectacular Mendocino coast. We are committed to shrinking our ecological footprint, healing the land, and improving its productivity. We want to face the truth about climate change and prepare ourselves and the next generation for whatever that brings.
We've been here thirteen years working to resuscitate this old farm, with orchards of apples, pears, plums, and walnut trees, a couple of small vineyards and lots of wild blackberries. We have developed several gardens and built three greenhouses. We grow fruit and vegetables using no-till organic methods for farmers market, restaurants and our roadside stand. We have a small herd of goats, whose rich milk gives us cheese, kefir and yogurt; and we’ve recently started raising pigs to consume the abundant whey from cheese production and leftovers from garden and orchard. We raise winter vegetables in a large production high tunnel and under row cover. And we grow a variety of medicinal herbs for salves, medicines, and teas.
This past year we spent time learning what we call the Native American Cornucopia – the array of amazing, high-caloric plants developed in the Americas by indigenous farmers, from potatoes and quinoa in the Andes to maize and beans and squash in Middle and North America. Those crops can produce a reliable subsistence in times of stress, and we now have enough for ourselves and to share at market.
We're tied to the School of Adaptive Agriculture at Ridgewood Ranch, where you can meet young farmers and aspiring farmers, participate in workshops and farm tours, and make new friends. And you’ll find plenty of good music and good beer, if that’s to your taste, along with a vibrant art and theater community in town.
WHO YOU ARE: You may or may not have some farming experience, but you love plants, animals, children, good food, hard work, getting dirty, sunshine, a refreshing dip in a cold creek, and community. You like the satisfaction of seeing a project through to the end. You want to find a way to cope with the crises of our time, and you bring to the task a mind that is curious, observant, ask lots of questions, take initiative, eager to learn, full of good ideas, and practical enough to see the steps necessary to implement them. You're interested in problem-solving and learning new things every day such as: how to make a good compost tea or use a wheel hoe, how to use herbs to increase lactation in goats, how to build diverse microbiology in soil (and in kombucha, cheese or sauerkraut). And, you like to live close to nature with a small, gentle footprint. We offer a small furnished place, use of our outdoor kitchen, and lots of farm fresh food.
For more information call 707 216-5549, 707 510-7473 or email: