Michael Lincoln

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since Jan 12, 2018
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Judith Browning wrote:

The lids are BPA free plastic with a silicone gasket

I'm willing to go with that.  We have an old set of stainless steel bowls with heavy plastic lids that have not worn a bit with constant use.  They fit very tightly, in fact we have to be patient and press all around the edge to be sure it is sealed and the foods rarely touch the lid.

I like that they explain their process

Easylock glass is made of high borosilicate glass, making it heat-resistant, eco-friendly and recyclable.
It is BPA free and does not contain any harmful environmental hormones.

Chris, we have a lot of wooden ware although it is used for fruit and seeds and dry things mostly.  At one time I had a lot of everyday wooden eating bowls...I forget why I gave them away?  They did need a certain amount of maintenance and we weren't always on it back in the day....they would get dry and crack or chip.  I keep up with my cutting boards and spoons though.

I love pottery and use some everyday.  We are fortunate to know our potters here in this area...and our broom makers, blacksmiths, glass blowers and woodworkers, weavers, spinners and dyers and have always had our own woodworking and weaving to trade.

Stainless Steel is very wired for me. I prefer glass so that I can directly reheat my leftovers in oven and microwave. Locking lid is better than snap lock for me because it prevent leak and keep my freezer and countertop tidied.

7 years ago