Karl Buchanan

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since Sep 12, 2018
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I know people who are looking, but can not be quite as primitive as we are now. We're great as a hermitage! But we have a ways to go for the camp sites to be ready. We are all builder uppers and used to rural living. Congrats on getting it going in such a beautiful place

Jane Reed wrote:Alicia, when you harvest elderberries, do you pick out the green berries?  I do, and I wonder if I’m going to too much trouble.  

That's my way. I only want the better riper ones.

As far as tincture, I have poisoned the multitude!
But since seeds don't make it in and its not an "aged" tincture, I agree the risks are negligible....seems like in 50 years anyway?

This year I am using pre-processed and if it is steam processed, I wonder more about the weakening of it than the toxins getting through.
5 years ago