Morning Pages
A practice recommended in the book "The Artist´s Way" is to write three pages of anything that
flows through your stream of consciousness, first thing every morning.
Before brushing your teeth, before that coffee, making the bed, etc.
This silences the "editor" in our mind, the voice that tells us it can be done better or said a different way.
There is no room for doubt or second-guessing. This is helpful for any creative process where productivity is the aim.
Quality assessment and editing can come after.
Eg. Once there was a peacock with tiny feathers who lived in my minds eye, but the idea of sparkling rythms flooded its home and imitations of the cosmic joke and rumors of nifty pigeon hats broke my fall. Anyway the elephants in the closet never much minded what sie of the bed I wake up on, so no worries there mate! It all speaks to us as does the lilly blooms and cradle benders upon the upturned spoke of the hissing eagle.
Never mind if it makes sense, never mind the punctuation or even if the spelling is correct. Just get it down.
Note*: It´s important that the pages are hand-written and also that they are not read for at least two weeks after writing them.
This is so that we don´t critique our morning pages. They are meant to be written and left aside.
Happy writing!