Chelle Lewis

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since Dec 10, 2009
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Hartbeespoort, South Africa
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Recent posts by Chelle Lewis

This is a video showing the pith of the stalks can be used as flour....

I've seen that people also make flutes.

Structural use....Perhaps there's a curing method to harden them off enough .... brine?.....dried....and then a preservative used as is done for wood.

Grow them in situ as a living fence? Stake willows and wind and weave in and around for a more permanent living fence for when the stalks are finally done.... the willows need the help early on when using many thin branches to start a longer fence fast.

3 years ago

Joshua Parke wrote:

 ---  Jump forward to 44:35

Just so one knows.....
Salt and water is like a band aid.  It will work for a little bit, but salt is a stimulant and the body will draw water from organs and muscles to neutalize and dilute it so it can't do so much damage.  It is actually toxic and is able to kill if the body wasn't able to neutralize it.  And most people can't feel how toxic salt is because they've had it in their diets since birth, so everyone's salt tolerance is quite high.  The salt will catch up with you and degrade your adrenal glands which will cause the kidneys to lose even more function over time.  If one wants to get hydrated then one needs to get the kidneys functioning and clean out the adrenal glands, they go hand in hand and should be cleansed together.  Electrolytes found in fruit will bring true hydration.  And the band aids and hacks do work...sort of....they don't bring real health though...they just work until the body degrades enough that the hacks and band aids no longer work.

Only table salt which is heated and bleached is toxic. Please don't tell people that salt is toxic. People have died on the low salt diet. It is vital for sound biological processes. I recommend Himalayan salt with its 84 odd nutrients and not table salt with its 2 nutrients - sodium and chloride. You need salt to draw off acidity in the cells and restore alkalinity. Natural salt is vital for health.

Most drugs today are directly or indirectly anti-histamines. Why are they targeting the neurotransmitter called Histamine? Pain is a result of high histamine activity. Histamine in the body it the primary water regulator and drought management neurotransmitter. Water and salt are the BEST anti-histamines on planet earth.

PLEASE be open enough to consider the material before shooting it down. People can really be helped and very easily too.

After full rehydration and adequate salt intake then minerals and detox. Herbs and greens are rich in minerals. Your uptake of minerals is inhibited without adequate natural salt.


7 years ago
Hi Janet,

Please, please first consider Dr Batmanghelidj's work. This material has greatly helped me and others.  The video and book are life-changing and will not require a lot of expense to get some immediate results... although it is then a process to reverse any damage with sound nutrition and cleansing. I was seriously ill and this material I consider foundational before anything else.

A little bit about him.... and how he discovered how dehydrated we really are. This is from the author bio on Amazon.... but he describes the same in the video and book.

"Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D., an internationally renowned researcher, author and advocate of the natural healing power of water, was born in Iran in 1931. He attended Fettes College in Scotland and was a graduate of St. Mary's Hospital Medical School of London University, where he studied under Sir Alexander Fleming, who shared the Nobel Prize for the discovery of penicillin.

Dr. Batmanghelidj practiced medicine in the United Kingdom before returning to Iran where he played a key role in the development of hospitals and medical centers. He also helped establish sport projects for youth in Iran, including The Ice Palace in Tehran, the first ice skating and sports complex in the Middle East.

When the Iranian Revolution broke out in 1979, Dr. Batmanghelidj was placed in the infamous Evin Prison as a political prisoner for two years and seven months. It was there he discovered the healing powers of water. One night, Dr. B. had to treat a fellow prisoner with crippling peptic ulcer pain. With no medications at his disposal, Dr. B. gave him two glasses of water. Within eight minutes, his pain disappeared. He was instructed to drink two glasses of water every three hours and became absolutely pain free for his four remaining months in the prison. Dr. B. successfully treated 3,000 fellow prisoners suffering from stress-induced peptic ulcer disease with water alone. While in prison he conducted extensive research into the medicinal effects of water in preventing and relieving many painful degenerative diseases. Evin proved an ideal "stress laboratory," and despite his being offered an earlier release, Dr. B. chose to stay an extra four months in prison to complete his research into the relationship of dehydration and bleeding peptic ulcer disease. The report of his findings was published as the editorial of the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in June 1983. The New York Times Science Watch reported this discovery on June 21, 1983.

On his release from prison in 1982, Dr. Batmanghelidj escaped from Iran and came to America. At the Foundation for the Simple in Medicine he began to research the effect of chronic unintentional dehydration on the human body. His findings were published in the Foundation's "Journal of Science in Medicine Simplified" in 1991 and 1992. They can be read on the web site

Dr. F. Batmaghelidj wrote his first self-help book "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" in 1992, in which he stated that a dry mouth is not a reliable indicator of dehydration. The body signals its water shortage by producing pain. Dehydration actually produces pain and many degenerative diseases, including asthma, arthritis, hypertension, angina, adult-onset diabetes, lupus and multiple sclerosis. Dr. B's message to the world is, "You are not sick, you are thirsty. Don't treat thirst with medication."

Dr. F. Batmanghelidj devoted the last 20 years of his life promoting public awareness of the healing powers of water. He appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs and lectured around the world. He has left a body of valuable works of six books and more than a dozen educational audio and video seminars. His work has created an international community that has embraced the natural healing of the water cure. His ground-breaking book "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" has been translated into 15 languages and continues to inspire readers all over the world.


7 years ago
Hi Janet.

The work of Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D. and his book called "Your body's Many Cries For Water" would be very helpful to your brother-in-law. I am finishing off a PhD in Natural Health and am using his research as a part of my thesis.

Here is a video of a lecture he gave at Jefferson University....  

Here is a quicker read....

After water look at salt... not table salt - it is toxic... then the basics of health are detox (we live in a very toxic world sadly and heavy metals do a lot of damage), mineral profile and adequate rest for normal cleansing and renewal of the body.

Managing symptoms with drugs is merely palliative and will not restore him to health - will in fact increase toxic load long term. Managing symptoms with certain herbs and greens is helpful but not the full answer.

7 years ago

evan l pierce wrote:Day 11

The calf panels alone won't be tall enough to keep out deer, but I reckon I'll start planting anyway, and maybe I'll find the time to make the fence taller before my seedlings start coming up.

Hi Evan. I am obviously a few months behind in reading your log, but thought to tell you something that has proved so useful to me. A most effective way to keep deer away from your produce or orchard is with fish gut strung from pole to pole. It is invisible to the deer, and they try walk there, and feel it, and it unnerves them. I first read this on Mother Earth News and then tried it because local antelope were eating my young kale plants. I have kudu and eland here that can stand jump 5 foot [and higher] fencing. Never after stringing the fish gut have I lost my plants to them again like that.
8 years ago
Hi Jay.

Off topic but I wanted to give the courtesy of a quick reply. I hadn't seen that link to a chicken mandala before. I see it is in South Africa too which interests me. They definitely don't have antelope, jackal, porcupine, monkey, baboon or leopard to contend with where they are situated to be able to build like that and harvest. If I built like that I would lose everything very quickly. I am in the bush and not peri-urban. My basic sleeping unit for the chickens is built with rock ... still building ... and each part of the mandala permanently situated and to be used in rotation for kitchen and livestock provision and then followed up with chicken forage and clean-up... using chicken tunnels to get the chooks where I want them that particular day. I have hawks and eagles always on the lookout from above too so each side and top of the system will have to be effectively caged for that too. I have watched an eagle tear into much stronger fencing than theirs to get at the chickens. Pretty safe where they are living it seems. Definite advantages .... but then I love wild bush so much .... and there is something intrinsically irreplaceable in choosing to live here.

About the Paulownia. I wasn't aware that it was so unsuitable. People seem to be really excited about its potential. I have obtained seeds and want to try. Perhaps not suitable for use as stumps though.

We do have several ficus here in SA but could not find the one you suggested. It seems to need a warmer climate than where I am situated.
9 years ago
Hi Scott, thank you for that video. Wow. I had never seen it before and we do have the strangler fig here in South Africa apparently. I will definitely follow through on this and see where it can take me.

Hi Jay C. Thanks for the input. Banyan trees seem to be a form of Strangler fig that needs a warmer climate than we have here up on the Highveld. This river project has to follow after my Chicken Mandala system I have started. Time and resources dictate. But I can share when I start it.

Hi Boris, With regard to the discussion of using rooted tree trunks in construction I have considered the fast growing hardwood tree Paulownia. Planting deliberately in terms of how needed to integrate into the planned building. I am not sure if you can grow this tree where you are. Certain varieties are said to mature between 7 and 10 years. I managed to access some seeds off the internet. Winter here still though so this is for the coming spring.

I notice that some natural builders use rubber instead of plastic to waterproof.
9 years ago
I am interested in building a modification of the traditional Celtic style roundhouse down by my riverfront. Romantic, yes, and proven practical.

I would only use seasoned wood for the reasons you described, but am interested in integrating living trees as the tree-house master in the States does for his tree-houses, but of course laying the floor at a much lower level because I want to integrate with the sharp incline of the hillside too. I will dig into this as needed. I may in time use extended platforms as bridges through the trees to enjoy the view of the river up close in places with spacious platforms within the trees.

Mine is a different scenario because I have to protect the house from the seasonal river flooding so using a tree-house type platform in front is important as it overlaps with the 50 year flood zone.

I have plenty of rocks on the property and am always using these as the basis of my building projects so will do that for the walls of the house beyond the platform. I will use slit shaped windows for light all around one section. Strong and raid proof. (Monkeys, baboons and other two-legged opportunists.) The front will not complete the circle but be cut across straight to meet up with the attached platform along the flood-line. I plan to roof with thatch - effective and long-lasting when correctly done. The house will be warmed with a rocket mass heater. Here is an interesting site but mine will not be cut so low... more a typical South African bungalow shape with higher walls before meeting with the thatch.
9 years ago
Here is Simon Dale's personal site describing everything ....
9 years ago