Willy Jones

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since Nov 23, 2018
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Recent posts by Willy Jones

I've tried to talk to her.  Didn't work.  Actually, it has backfired and if I go to her house again I will be arrested.  Animal Control has sent many letters and they are ignored. The police have been to her house 3-4 times a week since June and they are ignored.  My last hope is taking her to court.  If her dogs "disappeared" all fingers point to me because now I am the bad guy.  How's that for turning a victim into a criminal!
6 years ago

Dana Jones wrote:I would be very polite and so sweet that sugar wouldn't melt in my mouth. Then if they are ugly or ignore you altogether, you won't be so much of a suspect when the dog mysteriously disappears.........

Wish I had done that to begin with.  It's so out there now that my only remedy is court.
6 years ago