Simon Gooder

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since Apr 22, 2019
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Dunham, Quebec (5b)
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Recent posts by Simon Gooder

You might be able to find some of the features you're looking for on, at least for the plants portion. There are lists of companion plants, and in-depth plant profiles that detail a plant's requirements.
It also supports custom lists, which many people use to show off their guild designs.
1 year ago
Is there any reason you won't be trying to select for ease-of-growth?
Personally, I would direct sow and see what happens. Those plants that survive and produce fruit by the time frost hits are winners, and require much less babying and work on your side.

I'm gardening in a new region this year and have direct sown most of my melons (testing 5 varieties) to see what happens. So far the direct sown melons are doing a lot better than the transplanted starts, despite several weeks of a head start.
2 years ago
If you've found your way here and are looking to write simple updates and upload pictures, check out Permapeople's garden journal! Write a post, upload images, tag plants, and even follow-up with threaded posts so you can see each project in its own view. It's all integrated with our plant database so you can easily tag a list of plants for easy reference.

We've built it so you can add a new entry in as little as 30 seconds. Just sign up for Permapeople (it's free) and start posting journal updates.

Check out my own (real) journal for a sample!

My founder and I are both Permies here so please feel free to reply with feedback or questions.
Lisa — we'd love to see it! Start the swapping in the UK! Our founder was the first in Germany and there are now a handful of other swappers there too. If you post it, they will come.
2 years ago
Fabian Wild and Melody Goretti — Thanks for checking it out! Glad you've signed up. I got some great regional seed from the marketplace this year (yes, we founders use it a lot!) that I'm excited to get growing this year.

We appreciate the support, and please let us know if you have any questions or feature ideas. You can reply here or through Permapeople.
2 years ago
My go-to understory in the past has been chives and strawberries. They're both hardy and self-perpetuating.
3 years ago
Kim Goodwin — As a co-founder with Ben, I'll happily respond here.

Thanks for the great feedback. This is definitely something that stands out to me as well. In the sidebar, you can search by location — if there is a listing for it. Additionally, here's a quick link to only North American products.

Zamzam Khan — As John C Daley says, be the first! I happen to know there are quite a few folks in the UK on our networks, just not listing things at the moment. The closest we have to you currently are some products from Germany. It's totally free to list, and there are successful swaps happening every day!

In other news, thank you so much Permies team for featuring this post on the Permies Daily-ish!! Ben and I met on here, so Permapeople is a baby of Permies.
Since we posted this, we have released a few more fun features, like a garden pattern designer, where you can lay out your gardens on a grid, using your own pre-made lists, or search the plant database.

We've also quietly release a garden journal feature, where you can quickly and easily log your gardening progress; take notes, save pictures, and share with others. The more you use it, the more powerful it gets. Each piece of data you enter in your journal will inform the rest of the community. Want to know when your neighbour transplanted their tomatoes, or when you seeded the turnips last summer? If you use the journal, we'll be able to tell you.

Additionally, we're getting ready to release our gardener dashboard. We'll give you up to date weather with tips; know when to cover or harvest before a frost, when to sow seed, or when to transplant.  This dashboard will grow as we gather more data. The idea being we'll be able to tell you when/what other folks in your climate are doing.

Please note: When we talk about collecting data, this is anonymous and for your benefit only. We are an open and non-commercial entity. You even have access to all the plant data, and can edit it accordingly; add your own images, update planting methods, or just comment for other gardeners. Our whole concept with data collection is a circular economy of mutually beneficial actors. Each element in the system is and should be complementary to other elements in the system. Each person's input benefits another's outcomes.

Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or feedback. We're always open, and we're an organization built FOR the community BY the community. Ben and I use Permapeople for our own research/planning maybe more than anyone else on the platform, so we're always looking to improve and jam with other perma-people.
3 years ago
Hey Team!

Wanted to follow-up with an alternative to MavenFair... I've been around the forums at Permies for a few years now, but about 8 months ago I connected with another Permie and we set out on our big adventure of creating an entire platform for Permies and regenerative, home-based producers.

We've recently released an Open Marketplace where small-scale producers can sell/trade any regenerative or sustainably sourced products. The best part is that it's totally free! We're a regenerative, 100% organic organization - currently funding everything from our own pockets. We do have about 140+ items in the marketplace already, mainly seeds at the moment, but are looking to help some sellers get their products out there.

Some features of the marketplace:
- Potential buyers/traders can search via a map
- Sellers get their own "profile" page for their marketplace/shop where they can easily share their listed products via a URL
- Full marketplace search
- Support for barter/trade/swap options
- Basic messaging system through private anonymous email (without payment processing) to connect buyers and sellers
- Supporting features - like interactive plant lists (to list for trade items
- Canadian and German operated

You can check it out here. And if you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are building this to facilitate localized, circular, regenerative economies - not for profit. We're also willing to assist in some marketing efforts (for free) if anyone would like to take the plunge and get their stuff out there.
4 years ago
Glad to hear it Derrick! Thanks for letting us know. Please don't hesitate to pass along any feedback that might make things easier for you. We're actively developing the platform and pushing updates almost daily.
This is a cool idea - but I wonder how well Bitcoin (specifically) fits in with the values of the community, what with it's intensive energy consumption. I don't mean to bring down the party, but there are plenty of other more sustainable coins to play with. There's even a "regenerative currency" coin called Seeds which might fit better. Although it's not as valuable as BTC it may be a viable option. The team at SEEDS is also open to working with organizations, and there could be some collaboration opportunities here as well!

I've got a contact of one of the peeps behind it, so let me know if you want to connect with them.

4 years ago