Elizabeth Fournier

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since Jun 18, 2019
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Elizabeth Fournier owns and operates Cornerstone Funeral Services in Boring, Oregon, where she is affectionately known as “The Green Reaper” for her green burial advocacy. She serves on the Advisory Board for the Green Burial Council, the environmental certification organization setting the standard for green burial in North America. She is also the author of The Green Burial Guidebook: Everything You Need to Plan an Affordable, Environmentally Friendly Burial. She is a TEDx speaker and teaches workshops throughout the Portland, Oregon area. People Magazine writes, “Elizabeth Fournier is doing her part to change the way Americans bury their dead.”
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My absolute pleasure! I am so filled with passion that I share Herland Forest far and wide.
3 years ago
A sumptuous book of deliciousness! Welcome to Permies!
4 years ago
History was made last week at Herland Forest in Wahkiacus, Washington. The nation's first Natural Organic Reduction (commonly talked about as human composting) took place in the early morning. The forest was silent as we laid the loved one into a wooden cradle lined with delicious smelling wood chips from the very forest of the peaceful ceremony. After more earth was added and the lid was placed, we were able to gently rock the one ton cradle by hand, a true hand-craft method of disposition. The internal temperature will be monitored over time for more gentle rocking. Solar energy will aid this natural process and in time this design will allow the decedent's compost to aid tree growth in Herland Forest or on family property.

The First Natural Organic Reduction

4 years ago
Your book looks delicious! And very worthwhile. It's what the world needs right this moment.

Poke around this site and you will find lots of like-minded individuals, as well as an amazing wealth of information.
I love the photos and story of Izzie. Just precious!
4 years ago
I cut them into small strips andstrategically place them on top of the bushes outside the funeral home. I love seeing birds fly off with the pieces to add to their nests.
4 years ago

D. Nelson wrote:Instead of feeding folks from the garden, you'd be feeding folks to the garden in the great cycle of life. Better than eating Soylent Green.....Soylent Green is People, for all you young'uns out there

Exactly! I truly feel the last heroic act of environmental responsibility we can take is to literally give ourselves to the planet by going out green.
5 years ago
Welcome, Joe!

I am quite interested in your book as I have joined the composting world a few years back and am loving what I am learning. I am a green mortician who buries people naturally and feel quite akin to what you are doing, albeit a different source.

I am very curious of your opinion of Human Composting, the process of the body covered in natural materials, like straw or wood chips, and over the course of about three to seven weeks, thanks to microbial activity, it will break down into soil. Is this on your radar at all?

Thank you,
Elizabeth Fournier
5 years ago
Tyler!!  A huge congratulations. This is such a big and boldly positive move. May all the learning along the way come very easy.
5 years ago
Congratulations to the 4 winners of my book. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any further questions, and please spread your gained knowledge of green burial -- you'll be glad you did.

A big thank you to Permies for allowing me to be a part of your fantastic forums!

5 years ago