David Castillo

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since Feb 04, 2010
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Recent posts by David Castillo

Thank you all for the replies. Meadow creature it is. If only I knew someone else local that wanted one as well....

8 years ago
I have never used a broadfork before and was interested in feedback on the different styles from people who may have used them.

I primarily plan to use them to break sod and create new beds. The 2 I have particularly keyed in on -



I'm most curious on the difference in the blades vs the tines. I'm also open to suggestions beyond these if anyone knows of something better.

Just in case in makes a difference my subsoil is heavy clay that can contain rocks.
8 years ago
Email sent. Can't believe I won!!! Thanks Cassie, Paul, and everyone that makes Permies.

A real big thanks to Graham for stopping by the forums and answering questions.

Also I wasn't referred to this site by anyone. Could that book be donated to a library or perhaps an organization helping under privileged communities?
9 years ago
Thanks for the reply Graham. Your first paragraph is pretty much spot on to my own feelings.

Definitely not mining. There is a family of bats that return to a nesting spot in my neighbors roof year after year. I as well wouldn't use straight bat droppings; they would be heavily diluted if I did decide to use them as a fertilizer. My real need for their guano is to build them more nesting sites, as I have plenty of mosquitos to provide many families of them a fantastic life of all you can eat.

And really isn't that what friends are supposed to do - Help you live a better life!
9 years ago
I've been a vegan for over a decade and got into permaculture a few years ago. I've looked through some of the veganic stuff and some of it seems kind of silly, if not a little militant, but I guess to each their own.

For example - no manure. I have a native population of bats that show up every year, (I consider them friends, as they hunt my enemy known as the mosquito), I can easily collect their droppings by placing a bucket under their nest. Why should this natural resource be wasted?

I'm just curious as to if I'm missing something.

I have human friends that I benefit from all the time. I.E. I need help moving such and such. Why wouldn't you have animal friends that you benefit from?

No exploitation, no harm, nothing but a benefit.
9 years ago
It is on root stock. The small springs are above the graft spot.
9 years ago
Over the winter our local power company tree trimmers damaged multiple young fruit trees on my property. Below is a pic of the worst damaged tree.

It's a peach tree in which the central leader was knocked off - approx. 2ft of it. The damage comes down the bark that remains.

Do I chop it down to the next limb that is coming off the main trunk?

Do I just leave it be and see what happens?

What about any of the limbs that were damaged? I.E. A 2 ft branch was snapped at 1 ft.

The tree is only a couple of years old. Is it better to just replace it?

9 years ago
I would never plant anything near a septic tank or the drain field.

I have neighbor who has been in the business for over 50 years and his dad and grandpa built many of systems in the area well before that time. So I take him at his word. He says "Does it work? Do you like it working? Then leave it alone." Although he does say that technically they are supposed to be pretty well sealed and enclosed especially the newer they are so roots really shouldn't get in there, but that's a chance you take. A big chance and septic fixes can be really, really expensive.

I also would like to add that when I purchased my house the idiots before me planted a red maple tree a few feet from both the tank and line that runs out from the house. Nether are buried very deep and yet I've had no problems in the 13 years I've lived there. The tree is approx. 30-35 feet tall and as long as it keeps away it'll continue to live. The first problem and it'll be firewood and mushroom logs.

I've pondered if it's because of the shallow root system. ?
10 years ago
Hello Eric!!

Loved Edible Forest Gardens. It inspired me to build a mini food forest on my property.

Thank you for the wonderful info filled books.
10 years ago
Hi Michael,

That's a beautiful mushroom in your hand. I'm currently in the process of permaculturing my yard. If I don't win your book here, I'll end up picking it up for more inspiration and knowledge.
Looking forward to the Q and A and perhaps a few pics of your design(s), if you would so kindly would share any. I would love to see your mushroom setup or even an explaination of it, as I innoculated alot of logs with various types of mushrooms. Thanks in advance.
11 years ago