Corinthea Pangelinan

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since Jan 23, 2020
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Recent posts by Corinthea Pangelinan

Cochise County Board of supervisors wants to re-look at the owner exemption opt out that allows so many people to realize their off-grid dreams. People like me who bought 20 acres in hopes of moving our family to a place where we would be welcomed into a like-minded off-grid community. Cochise County is a gem for people looking to build alternative structures such as earthships, earthbag homes, cob homes. hay bale homes, or alternative structures. If you want to take a look at some examples of what is possible in the County check out Handeeman and mylittlehomestead on youtube. Please, Please sign this petition and share it in every corner, far and wide. we need help to keep our freedoms, they'll take ours today then yours tomorrow!!

There is also a Cochise County Opt-Out Support group you can join to stay updated.
5 years ago