Drew Jeffers

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since Jan 25, 2020
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So are you saying to replace the "clay-stabilized perlite"  as the base of the heat riser per your book,  I have to use an 8 inch layer or pumice stone instead of a 2 inch one?

I have alot of light weight white round pumice stone to be used in a soil mixture (not dense crushed black or red landscape lava rock as the previous questioner).  It seems very similar to perlite  still probably more dense as you say.

Thanks if you can confirm, and thanks for your book,
2 years ago
Jay, et. al.

Wanting to use wood from giant aspen we need cut down.
Since this wood prone to deteriorating, I would like to preserve it well for exterior applications, using whole or split logs and boards. Here are my steps with questions:

- remove bark from logs
- apply Tim-bor (borate product)
       Is this alot better than just using borax and water?
       Is borate important to preserve, even if charring?
       Does this serve as a flame stop alternative, or do I
        also need flame stop (or other fire retardant) ?  
- apply boiled linseed oil
        If I apply oil and borate product, do I still need a
        flame stop?
- char and scrape
- apply Natural Heritage or homemade oil/wax finish.
- keep wood above ground (scribing posts to stone, etc).

Drew in CO
5 years ago