Joel Toth

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since Jan 27, 2020
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Hey everyone, I wanted to share a video I took on our Canadian Demonstration Site in Alberta a few weeks ago.   I realize this might get flagged as marketing, however, I thought people on this forum would find value in it.

This is our BET (BioMass Energy Techniques Inc.) 24 PRD (Pyrolysis Rotary Drum).  It uses our primary BET 24-S gasification unit on the front end to generate the thermal energy for the Drum.  All the gases produced by the feedstocks traveling through the Drum are completely combusted in our Oxidizer chamber.

Throughput on the primary side is up to 285lbs/hr and the throughput on the drum is up to 2,000 lbs/hr.  The screen size for both feedstocks is 2inch minus.

This unit was used for testing different feedstocks for potential clients.  They could choose 1 of 3 options for Emissions testing and Biochar testing.

As I mention in the video the Natural gas or Propane modulating burner , in this case, was only used to get the Oxidizer up to temperature.  Once it reached a set point (850 degrees C) it shut off and maintained by the gas/energy off the feedstock in the Drum.

Please reach out if you have questions.
3 years ago
So most of our smaller systems are used to heat houses, shops, barns etc.
Our smallest system will heat a house and shop easily.

From direct heat systems, to outputs of steam, pressurized hot water, non-pressurized heat transferring fluid, non-pressurized hot water, to exhaust gases, the array of potential outputs allows your BET System near seamless integration with your existing energy infrastructure.

TEG's or Striling engines would be great for low power outputs!

I think the Sunpulse +-  stilring will be the best option when it becomes available through open source later this year.

We have been looking into ORC manufacturers for our larger systems as they don't require a certified boiler operator like steam and can generate more electricity.

We have a number of systems that heat greenhouses for the Amish that don't require any electricity. They are usually operated by their children (8-10yrs)

5 years ago
From what I can see I am allowed to post about our technology as it can provide value to individuals in this thread.

I work for BioMass Energy Techniques Inc. We manufacture systems that use waste as fuel to produce thermal energy.

Key points about BET systems:

- 100+ commissioned and operational systems in North America
- 14 sizes ( 225,000 BTU  - 22 Million BTU)
-  1300 *C  internal temp
- No internal moving parts
- Can be non - electric
- DOES NOT REQUIRE DRY FUEL. Our systems prefer 65% moisture content in the feed stock.

Most of our systems use green wood waste as fuel (chips, sawdust, hogged, green bark).
We have personally tested rail road ties, hemp, hemp mats, rig mats, C&D waste, cardboard, MSW,  Drilling Gel, Drill Cuttings, Used Oil, and Invert

Please message me if you would like more information.

5 years ago