John Chan

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since Jan 29, 2020
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Nevermind the one I have is ok. I used less leaves and it taste bitter.
3 years ago
I don't mind bitter tea. Just want to know if it's supposed to taste like soap or if you mean by it taste foul, the foul is soap like taste? I took a good wif of it and smelled no trace of soap.
4 years ago
I bought 200 grams of mugwort loose leaf and want to know if it is suppose to taste like soap. I put loose leaves in a tea infuser. I used 1 tsp of loose leaves should I use less or is it expired? When I smelled it the best I could it did not smell like soap, but earl gray tea. The leaves match the mugwort pics on Google but very dark green.
4 years ago
I have foot edema and would like to know what kind of treatment for edema is available?
5 years ago