John Forshaw

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since Feb 17, 2020
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We are a couple from Yorkshire living in France trying to do the right thing and reduce our impact on the enviroment for future generations. We have a YouTube channel so people can follow our journey to a more sustainable way of life.
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Recent posts by John Forshaw

I have been planting out our first bed at the tiny village farm and it turned out to big a much bigger job the I thought.

Morning world I have uploaded the second part of our micro solar set up completing the short series on our micro solar system, this is not a how to its just a couple of videos to show how easy it is for anybody to set up a small solar system.

Thanks Kate, I have just posted in the videos forum, and I am looking round the rest of the forums now and love what I see so far.
5 years ago
Hi all, I am new to and have said hello in the introdutions forum.

This is our youtube channel (Permaculture Made Wheezy) documenting our journey to a more sustainable way of life in France, I hope you all enjoy our videos.

We only have 7 videos so far and around 30 subs as it is a very new channel but we plan to have at least one video a week.
Good morning world, I am so happy I have found this forum, my wife and I moved to France 2 years ago to start a sustainable life and have recently found a small bit of land we can call our own. We rented to start with and tried different ways to grow food and learnt a lot in that time but now it's time to do it for real. I can't believe I have never seen this forum before but now I am here (my wife will join soon) I am sure the resourse you have provided will help us no end.
I have recently started a YouTube channel to document our journey into permaculture and would love to inviite you all to join us but I don't want to post any links in the worng place, last thing I want to do as a neewbie here is upset anybody.
I have spent the last couple of day reading many posts on the forums here and I'm looking forward to becoming a part of this awsome comunnity.
5 years ago