Landon Tesar

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since Mar 31, 2020
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Getting others to eat what I grow so it isn't wasted.
10 months ago
I'm in TX, so can't speak for meece, but most critters are surprisingly adept at, and may appreciate, negotiating undulating ground.   If the ditch has vertical sides, then it may trap some smaller animals but that is the hazard I see.  Suggest an exit ramp of stones every 20 feet or so, which is also a path to water.
One of the sadder episodes at my place was to find an adult deer that had just underestimated the top wire of a barbed wire fence, and as they jump with hind legs tucked under the torso, the hind legs caught the top wire, became untucked and caught the lower wire, trapping the animal hanging by hind legs from the top of the fence.  I may have chased off the coyotes but not sure I got there in time.  Poor thing.  I mentioned it to a few neighbors and apparenly it happens on occasion.  Things not to do.
11 months ago