Joel Henderson

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since May 19, 2020
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transplant from MA to VT; still working a corporate job but trying to add some homestead features to my home (where I live w/ my wife & her mom & our 2 wild toddlers) and hoping to create a little ecovillage of sorts on 5+acres of remote, hillside land an hour away...when I can spare a few minutes.
Looking to connect w/ others w/ similar dreams/goals, especially around the ideas of sustainable living in this climate (construction, systems, food systems, etc)
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Recent posts by Joel Henderson

I'd LOVE to hear any updates from the folks in Maine - any luck with earthbag building so far?
4 years ago

Patrick Edwards wrote:Not certain if you settled on a place but if you do choose Vermont, hit us up. It sounds like we have very similar goals. I can't make much comment on the models as I only have theoretical understanding at the moment. I did make use of the contour map generator though. So thanks!

I'm echoing this comment; I have dreams and a bit of knowledge (and not much time lately, due to small children, etc) but am currently in VT and would love to connect with like-minded folks in the area. My family homestead has some cool features and a few dreams/plans that I'd love to work on with help (cob oven, hugelkultur, fruit trees, gardens, possibly a small earthbag/strawbale/cordwood/? studio with attached greenhouse & RMH w/ cob bench...whew) plus I have 5 acres in the woods of central VT on which I'd love to do even more cool permie stuff.

Please message me if any of this interests you :)
4 years ago