Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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darcy dee

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since May 23, 2020
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Recent posts by darcy dee

I currently live in Eastern Oregon - Pendleton to be exact. Thanks for the welcome I am really looking forward to learning new things.
4 years ago
Hello I just joined today and already I'm stoked about it. Right now I'm just a dreamer, soaking up everything I can about ways to become more independent once I find my plot of land. I'm a single 50 year old female and am ready to take the next move towards this goal. I have a gardening background from my parents and grandparents and fortunately have a green thumb to boot. My current challenges include finding a way to learn how to use power tools safely and how to build simple structures by myself. I'm looking for land in MO because it reminds me a little of beautiful Oregon but I've heard more lenient on zoning, restrictions etc and also much less expensive. I've already read several posts here and learned a couple things that I haven't found on YT. 😁
4 years ago