Hello all, happy to be here! Planning our recently acquired 4 or so acres in beautiful central NH Lakes Region. Don’t know what we have to work with yet as the weeds begin to sprout. Counting 75+ existing blueberry bushes, 30+ Christmas trees, a partially cleared lot, plenty of room for food forest, lots of weeds....and moles 😳!
Forgive me as we are new to this, both in posting to the forum and the adventure. We’d love suggestions on where to begin, specifically concerned with salvaging the blueberry crop... thinking crop cover like clover? Now it just looks like weeds and grass between the bushes. Guessing the soil is fairly acidic due to the conifers but plan on testing.
Not sure where else to post about next steps. The cleared lot was originally 30x60. Some is now grown in with grass/weeds which is where something like keyhole gardens or fruit trees may find homes. Really want to use what is still cleared but no way can I tackle that in a single season.... a tilling I must go, maybe just some sunflowers to start or 3 sisters if I’m lucky. There are smaller areas closer to the house (zone 1, right?!) where we are putting herbs, kitchen veggies.
Hope everyone is safe, healthy, productive!
Also hope it’s ok to attach a pic.... essentially a clean slate so far as we can tell