Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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J Thomson

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since Jun 21, 2020
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I have one of these it is brilliant! It does everything (almost).
3 years ago
Please if you think you may have caronavirus isolate And seek  medical help.
Yes some herbs will help the symptoms but medical attention is also needed.
4 years ago
I like adding some yeast, I got the idea from a YouTube video of a guy who puts a soda and a beer in every pile he makes. It speeds up decomposition.  I never waste good food though so I either add a yeast sugar and water mix or I add the leftovers from the bottom of my home brew barrel after I have bottled it (it's a kind of wet yeast sludge). It speeds things up and the yeast ferments the sugars in the waste which heats things.
4 years ago
That sounds awesome to me, I'm in Aotearoa though so no help! Wish you the best.
4 years ago