Evan Epperson

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since Jul 24, 2020
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Permaculture enthusiast (Kansas PDC 2019), stemming from a desire to reverse our impact on the planet. Also a restaurant manager, musician, and holder of a piece of paper that says I studied history. I have a 1/4 acre in the city with a garden, new fruit tree guilds and chickens.
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Lawrence, KS
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Recent posts by Evan Epperson

Preparing my garden beds to turn over from spring crops to eventual fall plantings. Each of the beds pictured are sixty square feet (a bit less because of paths cutting across). I chopped and dropped the plants that were growing in the area and then, to add to the bulk, I added weeds (hand weeded, mostly grasses) from our front yard flower beds, grass clippings (our neighbor often gives us his - gas mower, but no treatments) and straw (which we used as temporary paddock bedding while we were on vacation and couldn’t rotate their forage).
3 years ago