Artie, any garden photos would show enthusiasm but definitely not a careful eye for harmonious attractive design
— But maybe once things start growing I won’t be as embarrassed and will post a pic!
I feel very conflicted about if I should’ve solidly deer-proofed it from the start or not.
We have a token shortish (5’) fence. Normally I am an extreme non-risk-taker about things but I guess I didn’t want to have the fence quality be the nicest thing about the garden, if that makes any sense.
We put down plastic, cardboard, mulch, and brush (to remind us about the plastic) on top of the poison ivy areas and I hope that does the trick.
Yes, I’m going to add asparagus and also garlic and I am super excited about both! We figured out a cheapish drip irrigation system to add (later) and shadecloth for a heat wave (a sheer curtain from Grandma’s house twenty years ago, thankyouverymuch). For now we’ll have rain for days. I really hope we will have some food in 30+ days’ time.