Shalimar Galindo

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since Oct 07, 2020
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Recent posts by Shalimar Galindo

We're a small family living looking to expand with people who can help us on our land here in SE Alaska. We have a few acres here that we hope to share with others like you perhaps, who are looking to settle somewhere in exchange for helping out. We would love to be growing more food and spending more time with like minded people. We'd like to hear more about your adventure. Our email address is
Shalimar and Michael
1 month ago
Hello Niki
We are a small family here in Haines Alaska looking for other families like yours. We own a small piece of land in a beautiful area and would love for others to join us. We  hunt and gather and fish and grow gardens and generally try to live more fully every day. Our older son was homeschooled throughout, (he's 22 now) and our younger son, (13) has been going to the town school for a few years and is ready to go back to homeschooling. Thats funny you used the word crunchy. I wanted to make a hat that says, MAKE AMERICA CRUNCHY AGAIN. Your likely looking for warmer climates, but I wanted to reach out anyway.
2 months ago
Thank you for responding Leaf sadly we saw it too late. We want to visit you there in that beautiful part of the world. The sisquous are one of those rare regions of North America that we can imagine leaving SE Alaska to live in that  incredibly beautiful area! You seem determined to make your vision of community a reality there and we’re excited to meet you at some point. Let’s stay in touch.
2 years ago
Still seeking families to join us on our land in the rainforest of Alaska (“see previous post”). Families that trust in evolutionary processes that took eons to develop more than we trust the experts developing short-term profit driven Band-Aid solutions that disrupt even further our ability to find our way back to some semblance of balance in regards to Health on a physical, mental, societal and ecological level we’ve been working for the forest service in California this winter and we’re finally ready to head north again. We are traveling with our camper back up through Oregon and Washington and through Idaho and Montana to visit family. We hope to be able to visit nature and Intentional Community oriented people along the way whether you have land you’re developing a community project on already or you’re looking for a place for such an endeavor we want to connect. I think it’s rare enough to find others who are interested in collaborating with others in this way, that even if we are not co-creators on the same land or even region there’s a lot of value in being affiliated with each other on that path or moving in that direction to be more accurate as there really is no path as far as we’ve seen in our 20 years of seeking people who are even interested in the idea let alone would ever imagine themselves embarking on such a thing. We are activated to continue seeking the incredible opportunities hidden in this wasteland of human potential that society has become. Let’s connect now and dance in the midst of this chaos
2 years ago
we're a family with an unschooled ten year old nature loving boy excited to see the desert
we live in southeast alaska but will be going south to find community this winter
you seem like people we can relate with
we'd love to visit
cell and text messages: 907 314 0726
michael, shalimar, yoa
3 years ago
We're a family of four in Southeast Alaska, seeking other families to combine efforts with; to be cultivating friendships that are more integrated into our daily lives. We want to be working with with others to meet and exceed our basic needs in a way that feels much more meaningful. We want to be together with other people; hunting, gathering, growing, processing, and even cooking food, as well as facilitating the healthy development of the bright young minds in our midst.  There must be people out there who are more inspired by the opportunities inherent in this type of lifestyle then they are afraid of the challenges; which come from the transition from me to we, something that has got to happen soon in our society and in our communities. We have finally started practicing meditation as a family because we see that the skills of mindfull awareness are crucial to our ability to ride out the storms that seem to be getting even more extreme. It would be amazing to find others who want to practice mindfulness with us. Our sons are 18 and 9 and are both nature loving, very social guys.     We have built our home in a place that we love. We love the subsistence lifestyle of gathering food from the wild. From the waters, we gather eulachon and herring in the spring and salmon later in the year, and shrimp and crab and halibut and trout.From the land, we gather mushrooms, berries, and blacktail deer. We also love growing food. Our garden has a lot of room to expand with another big hugel culture bed in the making this fall. There is also a neglected community garden situation on the adjoining property that curves around Mud Bay on the Chilkat Peninsula about 7 miles from Haines. We have built our little house on our 3 1/2 acres of land and we are in the process of building a guesthouse that we could offer a family who is interested in combining efforts in this way, and if more families wanted to join us, we can figure out accommodation. It would be great to have our friends come here, but we are open to going somewhere else if we were to find families we resonate with in a place that is at least somewhat wild. If any of this sounds interesting to you, then contact us. We are anxiously awaiting your email.
4 years ago