Candice Spicer

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since Oct 24, 2020
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Recent posts by Candice Spicer

Just over 2 weeks old need help with sexing these 2 chicks...
3 years ago
I have 2 silkie chicks about 11-12 weeks old but could be younger... I have had too many maybe girls or maybe boys... need to know for sure please help
One has blue ear lobes one has purple/mulberry ear lobes and one is distinctly bigger than the other...
3 years ago
Update: she is only now just started to get the gold colour coming through on her head and neck... I’ll try to get some photos as I need to prove to everyone on the other forum that they are all incredibly wrong...

And no I don’t have a rooster only a drake Muscovy....
3 years ago
She’s not crowing and I don’t think she’s laying yet... but these are updated photos.... options?
3 years ago
I think everyone is missing the point of the question.... look at the photos posted.... is the chicken in question a girl or a boy?
4 years ago

Charli Wilson wrote:

Ralph Morgan wrote:
I have some neighbors that complain about roosters but their dog can bark all night long and they do nothing.

And me! Not just the roosters either, my neighbour complains every time I make the slightest sound (apparently I am the noisy neighbour from hell)- yet her dog can yap for hours at 11pm at night and that isn't a problem (because 'he's a dog and he doesn't know any better'). She even complained about the noise when an emergency ambulance came to pick my Partner up and admit him to hospital due to spinal injury!

Yes I have 2 neighbours like that...
1 that complained about my rooster so much to the council (I had him a week) that I had to rehome him....
1 that has 2 dogs that bark and yap ALL NIGHT LONG....AND.....the neighbour that complained about rooster HAS NEVER complained about the dogs.... tell me how that works?....

I do have a theory though.... they are just cocks themselves and therefore having another “cock” in the neighbourhood just wasn’t accepted.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
4 years ago
Does anyone know anything about no crow collars for roosters.... have you used them to they work?
4 years ago
She is only 17 weeks old give or take... and if she is indeed a boy then I’d have to rehome as my council won’t allow me to have a rooster in my area.... and I’d hate to rehome my feathered baby.
4 years ago
Lol my chickens wouldn’t sit still long enough for me to read to
4 years ago