Nate Anderson

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since Nov 20, 2020
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Recent posts by Nate Anderson

Hi Nicole,

Nice to meet you -- I'd love to hear more about the food forest you're getting started in Roseville!

I ordered trees/shrubs mostly from Oikos Tree Crops, but they unfortunately closed down their nursery this Spring. I have also ordered from Honeyberry USA in northern MN (zone 3) and One Green World in Portland, OR and have been happy with them. I have also ordered a bunch of seed from Experimental Farm Network. They have a retail store in Minneapolis called Agrarian Seed and Garden. I ordered some hybrid hazelnut shrubs from them that I'm picking up next week (they still have some available if you're interested -- they are from the Badgersett breeding project in southern MN). Other than that, I bought a few things at Egg|Plant in St Paul. I think most of their stock comes from Bailey Nurseries.

A couple nurseries I haven't ordered from yet but look promising for cold hardy stock are Perfect Circle Farm in zone 4 Vermont, and St. Lawrence Nurseries in zone 3 New York.
3 years ago
Thanks for sharing that video Steve! I’m in a similarly cold urban environment (St Paul, Minnesota). I’ve been trolling the archives looking for ideas. I’d love to see how your food forest is looking now 4 years later!
3 years ago
Hi C. Lee Greentree, nice to meet you! I’d love to see pictures of what you’ve got going on up in Clearwater.
3 years ago
Thanks for your nice comments, Stacie!
3 years ago
Hi Permies! I wanted to give an update on my first growing season. Not the best year to try to get a bunch of perennial plants established -- we've had drought conditions most of the summer here in the Twin Cities. My rain barrels have been empty for weeks. I could have leaned more heavily on the city water, but was interested in seeing how things did without it. Thankfully we have a lot of shade.

Plants that have done well: tomatoes, arugula, lettuce (amish deer tongue and forellenschluss), sweet alyssum, purslane (a nice upright variety called Mithra from the Experimental Farm Network), and the amazing perennials that have fruited the first year: currants, juneberries, strawberries, raspberries, highbush cranberry (haven't eaten yet)

Plants that haven't done well: squash (vine borers, drooping leaves, squirrels taking bites), pole beans (lower leaves yellowing and dropping off), peas (all plants got eaten at ground level), corn (almost total loss to critters at the seedling stage), and all of the native plants I seeded in the fall (no sign of bee balm, butterfly weed, columbine, echinacea, anise hyssop, etc.).

Overall I'm super happy with everything that has grown, but I'm really look forward to things filling in a bit more! I have pre-ordered a 4 fruit trees for the spring (2 pears, 2 hybrid plums) and 5 hybrid hazelnuts. Those will fill out the small tree/tall shrub layer along with the evans bali cherry, american plum, liberty and goldrush apples, and 3 pawpaws (probably a stretch for here in zone 4b but really wanted to try). In the lower shrub layer I've got nanking cherries, blackcurrants, redcurrants, jostaberry, gooseberry, juneberries, haskaps, blueberries, and raspberries (yellow, red, and black).

I haven't quite figured out how to deal with:
- Our 2 dogs trampling and digging (makes herb layer difficult to establish. They are highly motivated to bust through any fencing I put up, because of the next point...)
- Small mammal pressure (Squirrels, chipmunks, and rabbits. I feel like here in the middle of the city, habitat and predators are lacking)
- Have not had good luck with most of the seeds I've sown (probably mostly because of the drought. animal disturbance contributed as well)
- Pretty heavy shade (large silver maple on the southeast corner in the neighbors' yard). There's also a variegated norway maple on the south side of our house. Shade is all it provides so I have half a mind to cut it down and replace with something more multi-functional, but the shade is very nice.
- Don't know what to do with the back "lawn". So compacted and dry that even creeping charlie won't grow. The maple roots sucking up moisture definitely contribute. I have put down clover and fescue seed and covered with straw but might need to just wood mulch everything. I tried to get a Chip Drop but there wasn't enough room in the alley for them turn the truck around and dump. But I would prefer a softer ground cover since it's the dog play area.
3 years ago
I often hit the +1/-1 buttons accidentally while scrolling on mobile (thankful for the “are you sure?” dialog). Maybe moving those buttons to the top left corner of comments would help avoid that issue
Sarah, my neighbors down the alley have a very similar strip on the south side of their garage planted with fall-bearing raspberries with virginia waterleaf as a groundcover. They cut everything to the ground every winter and it seems to be thriving. No deer in our heavily trafficked urban neighborhood so I can’t comment on that, but I can say that raspberries seem to be doing well in similar conditions. I’m in St. Paul, MN (4b).
3 years ago
Thanks for the cold frame suggestion, Mike and John. While searching craigslist, etc. for free windows to build a cold frame, I found someone selling their home-built cold frame for cheap. They’re moving to Florida so they don’t need it any more. They graciously also gave me a yellow raspberry plant, a red currant plant, and a bunch of garlic starts!

I have ordered seeds of mache, orach, tatsoi, and spinach to plant out in the cold frame. I’m getting a pretty late start, but according to Elliot Coleman, the mache at least might work out!

I set up the frame facing east since that’s how it fit best. The whole thing is see-through so i’m hoping the direction won’t matter that much.
4 years ago
Would a greenhouse like this be worth it (link)? 5 x 10', 7' high, covered in PE film.
4 years ago