Donald Taylor

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since Jan 24, 2021
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Looking forward to your call at 11 today.
2 years ago
My name is Joshua and I have been given the gift of invention.

    I'm looking to build a series of 4 f x 12 sided domes 24 ft. diameter with a 12 ft. ceiling.
The design concept should work but require some help to understand the individual pieces of such a dome with a flat base.
     So I would propose to build a small scale model out of mat board to get a visual feel. And from this point
to develop the geodesic slip form. If accomplished this should have a impact upon the dome communities
around the world and to be able to cast a geodesic dome within a span of 73 hrs. So this is my concept model.
    I've have put together a basic community design that will handle 6 to 7 families underground. The reason for
choosing foam crete is to make an earth ship model that many built in features. Most importantly the ability to absorb
dangerous radiation from the sun. If an when the casting process is perfected, this will revolutionize domes allowing for
intentional communities to have a fully operational underground bunker system of approximately 5, 000 sq. ft. plus a
co-existing surface counterpart designed to take hurricane force winds and earthquake resistant.

     As a side note I perceive that this site is also a place where visionary minds can come and gather.
We must take the times ahead seriously and build according the the changes are ahead. Conventional building
will no longer be safe or sustainable. So the end goal is to be able to build an innovation arc ship design sorely on
foam crete using the geodesic model.
         I've seen the dating site here and it really appealed to me. I know that it is time to meet my so mate.
Someone who will walk with me to build these arc ships to take people through a time of trouble. She would
know how to walk in the light even as I am learning to walk in the light. So I'm putting out an invitation
to the one to share my destiny for coming to this earth. It is the time for the joining of souls.
4 years ago