Sarah Cushman

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since Mar 06, 2021
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Recent posts by Sarah Cushman

Thanks so much for all this helpful additional context! It will be super useful as we experiment ourselves this sugaring season.

And I have down for us to circle back around and post any more suggestions from our experience.

So appreciate your sharing - and this community as a collective resource!

Sarah & family
3 years ago
Thanks so much for this thread and sharing from your experiments! I haven't found anything else near as helpful online for what we might do with our maple sap to preserve it long-term (v.s. reducing it into syrup).

Would you willing to share how long you pressure canned it for and at what pressure? We'll be using quart jars, so I'm thinking something like 25 minutes at 10 pounds of pressure, but would love to know your experience.

Also, do you have a preferred method of measuring the Ph to verify you've gotten to 4.6 or lower?

Thanks for any input and all best to you and yours!

3 years ago