Yes!! Thank you for sharing. 100% to what you are doing!
I came across the succession/staggered planting method some time ago and I'm finally doing it this year. It makes total sense, at least for us and our garden.
Currently, my cucumbers, tomatoes, and beans have been planted several months apart. My garden is small so I couldn't plant every 3 weeks apart. I mean, maybe I could lol But the idea is, that as my first few cucumber plants are yielding fruit, I start growing a few more plants etc, so that we can enjoy them well into the end of the season. And NOT have a gazillion cucumbers at once lol
Thankfully I can do this here in southeast Texas where our summers are LONG. I've harvested tomatoes well into November in the past. Gotta love this weather.
My goal for the future is to start plants indoors and start my early spring and summer planting right away. So basically, start my staggered garden much earlier than this year.
Hope that makes sense haha