Kevin Stanton

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since Jun 05, 2021
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USDA zone 4A
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Recent posts by Kevin Stanton

Dorothy Pohorelow wrote:Seeds
It may take a couple of years before you can harvest but it also gives you a larger range of varieties. They are actually pretty easy to raise.,

I know I could do it that way, but takes too long.
9 months ago
The woods is overgrown with poison Ivy, and I consider rhubarb my favorite vegitable. Does anyone have advice on how to get a lot of crowns on the cheap to propagate an acre of understory with rhubab plants to have it all covered with crowns? People try to tell me that "man can not live on rhubarb alone", but that's a lie.
9 months ago

Anne Miller wrote:I feel if looking at animal feed prices I would say that an acre of hay is more valuable.

Comfrey - animal feed
9 months ago

Timothy Norton wrote:Are you referring to common comfrey, the wild growing plant, or Russian comfrey, the sterile 'Bocking' varieties?

community garden variety that has white flowers

It's growing well in a peat bog, so the roots are probably very shallow
9 months ago
I was walking on top of a comfrey plant (if established well enough, and dense enough it will support a human) that I had grow in the middle of established grass, and was wondering what's worth more to animals for feed if it's left to grow until animals came through. Any ideas, because I'm looking at conversion? I like numbers.
9 months ago
I argue with my mom a little about some smoke comming in the house from a wood burning stove that sits away from the wall, and the pipe is connected on all sides, but for some reason smoke comes in rather than directly up the chimney. Why does this happen when the doors are open?

The coals are left over from the fire bank of the previous heating fire (which my mom doesn't believe is always in the back also).
1 year ago
Is there a rhubarb disease where the rhubarb looks like it should, but there's a slime on it that feels like a male body fluid (keeping it g-rated)? This is in my woodchip bed that has a lot of Wine Caps, and this year we have a very high water table (last week it was a little spongy next to the bed, and it's a little higher than that). The plant looks normal on the surface.
1 year ago
Yes, it did every time. It's like comfrey.
1 year ago
Does anyone know if I need to worry about feeding my wine cap bed more food after it stops fruiting, or will it survive on plant roots while looking for more food to grow on, and expand in that area? I'm asking, because I'm wondering if I should give it a wheelbarrow full, or just let it get by.
2 years ago

Marc Dube wrote:I took 30 crowns from an ancient plant growing on the edge of an abandoned orchard it was spread out and sprawling.

I put a border of them around my garden and they grow both upright and sprawling, I also put some out in the pasture with no prep or care given to them and they are doing well but not as good as the ones in the garden.

I'd love to see a picture, because I'm trying to get the grass killed off, and have the rhubarb take over.

I'm thinking about running 50-100 giants chickens for the summer in the area to kill off the grass, and thistle that's taking over where I raised the soil with wood chips.
2 years ago