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Bob Milford

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since Jul 04, 2021
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Repatriating to USA from Thailand after 10 years.
Looking for a nice community of like minded permaculture folks.
Have a bit of history with veggie gardens but no serious Horticulture knowledge. Looking to learn and share.
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Currently In Thailand
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Recent posts by Bob Milford

Thanks Arthur!

The tent is Walmart but works very well. ($50)  Not sure how it would perform in foul weather.

Duffle bag is army surplus $20 bucks I think.  Blue kitchen bag is $10 Harbor Freight.

I've just finished a 4800 mile trek across the country. California to Michigan to Florida and back to Michigan.

The trip was a great way to become reacquainted with America while looking for work and home.

Rolling the dice in Michigan.
3 years ago
Wow, great tip Arthur!  :)


20 bucks last night for a beautiful rustic campsite.  :)
3 years ago
Thank you Arthur.  :)

I really appreciate the inputs.

I started in California, on motorcycle....still on it...  :)

I've been looking for BLM Land while making the trip across country.  Takes a bit of time and research but very nice when found/available.
Amazing new experiences. Desert camping, New Mexico/Rio Grand.  Arizona was beautiful and the people impressive and kind.

Hoping Florida will produce.  :)

Warm regards,

3 years ago
Hello all, :)

 I'm heading south from Michigan to Florida and wondering if there are any Permaculture folks offering tent campers a place to camp? (for a fee of course)

I see Air B+B has some people offering place to tent camp.

Just wondering if anyone in the permaculture community doing the same.

(Tent Camping Space)

Would be interesting to see...

Thanks for any input


PS.  Anyone in Florida (Central/Northern) doing permaculture and offering camping for tents?
3 years ago
Hi Ben,

I've been looking for the same Cob info.

I came across this project that was well documented. (Concrete/Shotcrete Dome over Foam)
Here's a link:

Hope it's helpful.

3 years ago
Relative to the C/Fusion

Maybe interesting for some?

I think the original 60 minutes story aired April 2009.

3 years ago

Does anyone know if there's any sort of Permculture mapping tools/websites?  

Found one...  :)

3 years ago
Wow May!  I'm impressed!

I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't know the names.

Amazing Thailand...

Thanks for the welcome
.  :)

PS. attached 1 more foreigners sometimes call fuzzy stawberry. Not sure if that is typical or not. google search = (rambutan)
For a simple American in this country it's another planet.
3 years ago