It was an attempt to face no water that I decided me and my husband would forego bathing at all. I considered the homeless which most of us are headed for. But we won't touch that third rail. Let's keep the train rolling down this unprecedented track.
The first paragraph was a bi-product of learning to fast one week. Then fasting for two weeks. No masticating. We only drank hemp milk with sea weed gel, vanilla flavor, cinnamon, nopal powder, and burdock root powder as a shake. Oh and agave for taste. That's it every night before bed. Even got my 80 year old mother to join us. She was morbidly obese.
At the end of each fast we slowly began eating only raw fruits and veggies from morning until 3pm. Then only garbanzo bean dishes from 3pm until 8pm. Soon I noticed we had no smell. Whenever we sweat no foul odor. So I suggested we stop bathing at all. I kid you not months went by and no odor. We might skin brush with a loofah periodically but that's it. No soap no water no foul odor. We've gone one year with one bath. As we continued taking the herbs I blended. Some of them chelation blends we began to have an odor. I learned that most of the toxins reside directly in the adipose fat. When you lose that adipose it stinks from the toxins. It comes through the pores that include the hair follicles. The adipose fat is burned off from months of clean eating. You clear out the toxins and also clear out the reasons you ever had an odor. By giving your body a break from bathing with detergents you stop hiding through toxins and intestinal rot with shampoos, deodorants, and soaps. Something only the nobility could afford to do. That lye soap the poor used was nothing like today's flowery toiletries.
When my family has body odor we know its toxins nothing more nothing less. That they're either in our water, the air or the food and reside in our guts and fat. To avoid contaminants we started growing our own food and bought a filter from called the boogie blue plus. It removes all kinds of contaminants like chlorine, chlorimine, heavy metals and interestingly detergents. If you decide to buy that it has to be the boogie blue plus. Worth every dime. We water our food with that filter. I make compost tea with the water. We have a claw foot tub and added the filter to both lines. We now bath in that water. It's made all the difference in the world. I drink water more often than not as I know it's filtered as much as possible.
Didn't mean to digress but you brought up a fantastic subject and dismissed a logical fallacy. That if you bath you will be as clean as the soap you use when in fact it's not even close to the truth. Not with today's environmental and food conditions. Our pores indicate how clean our plumbing is. Fasting is an eu de toilet.