Donna Grace

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since Mar 06, 2022
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Living on 60 acres, but currently experimenting with and learning permiculture in a small area behind the house. We have a lot of hard clay, and I'm finding cardboard and straw to be my best friends at the moment. 😉
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Recent posts by Donna Grace

First time drying hard neck garlic for me.  I simply put them in a paper bag and hung the bag in my kitchen for them to dry.
Please tell me what might be wrong with this method....
6 months ago
Also, I forgot to ask:  Are you removing the bottom leaves as needed to give strength to the crown?
9 months ago
I don't think it's the indoor temps.  My house runs between 66 and 80 degrees depending on how hot or cold my hubby is.  Besides, AV are tropical.  They like moisture, but not drowning.  Try having another bigger pot under it to catch the run-off but not quite touching the bottom of the inside pot.  When the bigger pot is dry it's definitely time to water.
9 months ago
My opinion is that African Violets, under the right conditions, can virtually live forever. I had a beautiful 'purple bloom' Optimara from Walmart for at least 25 years. Friends thought it was fake for how beautifully it bloomed at times. I kept it in a northern window (no direct sunlight)...watered, fertilized and repotted as needed. However, the last time I repotted it, I think there was something wrong with the soil (maybe the wrong type or contaminated?) I don't know for sure.  The leaves never recovered from it and it my 'once gorgeous plant' went into the compost. (Sigh).
9 months ago