Raymond Ferguson

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since Apr 30, 2022
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Thanks 😊  I'll check that out and I've read the replies now. Sorry I've been away from the forum for a little while and I've never been super active here.
3 weeks ago

Phil Stevens wrote:The best way to find out if the area is dry enough for swamp coolers is to look around, especially in older neighbourhoods, and see if houses have them. I know they're viable in West Texas, but once you get to the hill country I think it's too humid.

What about a design like the Persian system that takes incoming air underground to shed some of its heat? Or if you're up for more engineering and don't mind energy dependencies, using a water loop sinking in a geothermal well with a heat exchanger?

How would I get it further underground? Would pipes work and I've never designed one before it was just the diagram I found online on how they work.
1 month ago
I was wondering is this the correct forum for evaporative cooling?

I'm wanting to make a Persian wind catcher I've  been interested in for a while but my family informed me it's too humid here for swamp coolers and that evaporative cooling wouldn't work.

Is there a way to passively dehumidify the air as it comes into the wind catcher so that way it cools down as it goes over the pool of water?
2 months ago

Riona Abhainn wrote:Oh my goodness that makes a lot of sense!

 I was thinking it could be put in the bottom of a Persian windcatcher system to keep it cool.
2 months ago
I saw an instructable on how to make a mini peat bog and I was wondering if anyone has done one to store perishable foods in wooden containers like back in ancient times in Scotland and ireland?


2 months ago
Thanks everyone I read the comments but haven't watched the video yet but will ^_^
2 years ago
Ok thanks I don't know much about trees and how soft their wood is. I just recently got a rotary tool and wanted to use it for wood and stone carving.
2 years ago
I have access to native texas trees so I doubt I have any of the specific types used in Europe.  Would mesquite trees work? They are really hard wood so should they last?
2 years ago
I'm in Central Texas. Is there any native trees that I can harvest for the wood? I was planning on doing English style with leather upper part.

2 years ago