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Henry Noble

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since Jun 24, 2022
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I have no experience whatsoever with farming or homesteading. In fact, I've got not property of my own at the moment. What valuable tips do you have for someone who wants to start his own little farm? Money is the answer, of course, but even if I had all the money in the world, creating and maintaining a farm is no easy or simple task. I want to be self sufficient, get my own land and equipment, grow my own food, vegetables, eggs, milk, fruits and be animal friendly, absolutely no animal cruelty. Getting their eggs, milk and wool is my limit. I also want to have horses of my own, as companions, they're by far my favorite living beings on Earth, but as for the horses I know how to handle and take care of them very well. However, how do you start a farm? What are the basic things that people overlook? How to choose the best property? I have a general idea about how most things must be like, but really have no experience with it. How do you build a house? How do you build your own equipment? I know nothing. These are the important things we should have learned as kids instead of useless subjects in school. We aren't instructed to be self sufficient.
I'm in Europe, still deciding which country to call home - either Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Austria, Northern Italy or Czech Repermies. I live in Portugal. My family helped create the country, then centuries later went to Brazil, managed to obtain land, which their children managed to lose, so I grew up with nothing and wanted nothing to do with a land that wasn't my ancestral home, hence why I came to Europe. I've also become totally broke with the pandemic and I became unemployed when the government said "my job was not essential". I don't want to live in the city, I don't want to depend on the government. I never did but I feel like the pandemic was the straw that broke the camel's back. I figure it will take me a long time to get what I want but, until the moment arrives, how should I be preparing myself and what should I be learning?
2 years ago
Good looking man. Rural Ireland must be amazing! Hope you find a beautiful woman that looks like you, with blond hair and blue eyes and a good character.
2 years ago