Duane Boss

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since Oct 01, 2022
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Hudson Valley, New York
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There is a 1 acre piece of property, rectangle 125 by 364.  This is located in the Hudson Valley New York, which is in Zone 5 with about 40 inches of rain a year.  The east side is the downslope of a small wooded hill and the rest of the property is very flat.  The west side is a main road.  The north and south side currently has a bunch of trees now blocking some of the sunlight.  There is an old house that needs to be completely gutted and rebuilt(or removed and start new)  There is an old barn that is falling down and would have to be removed and possibly rebuilt.  The town is heavily regulated and any work would be via permits, inspection, etc.  The property is zoned commercial/residential.  And there are businesses now on 3 of the 4 sides.
 This place could be a great market garden and permaculture homestead.
 If we let this place go, the property will end up either being cleared and paved into a parking lot(done nearby) or someone would rebuild/add to it for rentals(also done down the road).
 We do not have the time to do the work ourselves.  Not seeing any way to find someone that would be interested in this opportunity.  
 The sad part is the structures onsite are so bad that selling will most likely end up getting very low offers.

 Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions?
5 months ago
   We live in a suburban area, after many years the piles continue to grow.  This spring the clean up plan is to empty out the various areas, including the garage and the shed.  Before I undertake this time consuming process, and I go to put stuff back that we are keeping, let me ask others.  How do you store your tools?  I have my hand tools in the garage in various tool boxes and bags.  The issue becomes the bigger items hand yard tools, carts, wheelbarrows, etc.  This area is heavily regulated so I can’t put up another shed or enlarge the existing without permits and inspections and fees and you get the idea…
    I have seen in some videos that people have these roofed single wall where they hang various hand tools and park their carts under the roofs or behind them to keep them out of the direct sun/weather.  I am trying to find a low cost solution but I also don’t want to put my stuff out in the yard to have the weather rot it in short order.  
   A second follow up question is where/how do you store your extra wood/lumber.  I have acquired some wood and I put it in the shed but it takes up a lot of space.  I have a “wood” pile of “outside” lumber that I use for various garden and yard projects but that pile inevitably gets used by various critters as a home and the wind/rain/leaves get through and damage some of it.  Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks.  
1 year ago
Jane, you are actually on the right path for what I am asking.
In your case how did you start selling, what was your first book sale?  Thrift store?  To a friend?  Tag Sale?  How did you take that idea and actually get some money for it?  I am trying to find out how people get the ball rolling, what setbacks they might have hit and where they went after that first sale.  Experience can be a great teacher!
2 years ago
Thank you for all the information in the above posts.  
I was hoping that some people would reply about their own experiences from starting their own business ventures.  Be it a new farm or some homesteader selling something they made we all have to start somewhere.  For many that have been doing it for a while they might have not thought about those starting moments but every business starts with that first sale.  Be it a a road side stand, farmers market or some other means there is a starting point and I am trying to find those people and see how they got started.
2 years ago
 Has anyone in permies successfully partnered with someone/group to help in selling?

I posted here about my issue with starting small:

One thought I had was trying to either hire/partner with someone to do the selling and create a business from the ground up.  

2 years ago
  For those in the suburban and urban areas trying to homestead, the question is:  How do you start selling?  Whether it is crops from the garden, or something you make if you have a product you need to be able to sell it.  
 In my case I was trying to sell small scale production of vermicompost, I thought I had people interested, I got a process working and when the time came to sell I could not find buyers.
 My issue is that craiglist and facebook turned out not to be worth the hassle( also huge amount of scams ). I tried some of the local places but they were either not interested or wanted it cheap by the truckload.  
 I am looking for ideas and suggestions from people that have already started small and worked their way up.  Their stories and wisdom can be very helpful for those of us feeling overwhelmed.
2 years ago
Several years ago we decided to make a larger garden in our “side” yard.  Due to the odd shaped lot, a bunch of other factors and a wetland buffer zone, the side yard is also part of our front.  We live on a busy two lane road so the amount of traffic is very high and sadly increasing each year.  

 Each year we set up the garden and we learn a little more, we get a variety of results and some fresh vegetables.   One unexpected result is each year I have several people tell me that our garden has motivated them to try gardening.  People have stopped to ask me about the garden and I know others have taken an interest and watch our progress each season.  One reason I keep the garden as large as it is even when we are very busy is to make sure there is a wall of green that people see each day as they go down the road.  
  Has anyone else found their gardens being inspiration or motivations for others?
2 years ago
Nicole, thanks for looking at this so quickly.  I went out to see if there were any gif of gardens to use as inspiration and I found most images are very complex and used many colors/images.
One thought I had for a  garden icon might be using three little plant icons in a row.

The composting bumper sticker looked fine.  I paused for a moment to realize it was an apple core in the middle of the image, the reason was to me I always think of the leaves first in the compost pile.

With that said, maybe for the vermicomposting bumper sticker you could put the outline of the apple core behind the worm.  Another thought was to shrink the size and put the worm next to the apple core and recycle loop around both.  

I did like the “SEED” image for the seed saving, that is one of the other activities I have slowly been getting into as we garden so that is nice to see it in the posting.
I was setting up my profile and I was looking at the bumper stickers.
I was wondering if there was a way to add more options.
The topics I would like to see are:

 I have been reading/researching on this site for a while now but I recently decided to join and see if I could contribute to the large amount of information I have found here.
 For many years we had a small garden on the side of the house which gave us a few vegetables but a couple of years ago we decided to try a larger setup and I spent many months preparing a 30ftby30ft fenced garden area.  This has been doing well, of course this year’s drought really put a hurt on most of the crops.  
 I have very sandy/gravelly so it took several months of adding compost from the large leaf piles I had on the property.  My kids decided to help by getting me composting worms and I started bins in the garage.  After setting up pallet style compost bins I added hot bins to my list of compost making.  Over the years the soil continues to improve and the size of the garden area continues to grow.  If it wasn’t obvious I have a lot of  interest in composting & casting and I have spent years learning about these topics.
 We live in an area with many yard restrictions ( the joys of living in the suburbs) but thankfully no HOA so I have to be careful with my choices and setups.  So far the garden and compost bins have been left alone from the power that be.
 I have been learning about permaculture and trying to figure out what I can add into the garden with hopes of adding more into the yard over time.

2 years ago